Danke Bäcker!
Ekelhaftes Judenbalg !!!
Wie man sie kennt, danke für eure tägliche bestätigung, daß man euch nur noch entsorgen kann!
Typisch Itzig !!!
Holohoax Tales - Mengele stitched twins and hunchbacks together
Holohoax Tales - Pulled from gas chamber line when Mengele heard we were twins
Holohoax Tales - Mengele's eyeball experiments
Holohoax Tales - Jared Kushner's Grandma and the 1000 ft Escape Tunnel dug with spoons
Holohoax Tales - Eugene Fried Cried & Lied
Holohoax Tales - Voices from the Latrines
Holohoax Tales - Human bone soap ruined by sons playing with it
Holohoax Tales - Buchenwald liberator on human skin lampshades in commandant Karl Koch's House
Holohoax Tales - Fermenting Jews to make gas
Holohoax Tales - Jack Aizenberg was issued human soap at Buchenwald