But something very dramatic happened just several thousand years ago - a mere moment in the vast span of univerasl time. We changed. Humans showed a glimmer of enlightenment - a possibility of expanding our thinking and our lives to consider true oneness with THE ALL. And we wanted it - we yearned for it. We knew something was missing but did not know what is was. And this was far more than the Annunaki had ever expected was possible.
So they watched and they waited; patiently. Finally they observed THE ONE. The soul that was nearly perfect in every way. Literally among billions of souls. Still they waited, as the precious soul was passed from form to form - each time repeating its greatness through its human agent. Finally the time was right for the world to see and acknowledge this great soul. He walked the earth and became known as JESUS OF NAZARETH.
And the brilliance was so clear, and the message so powerful, that he was promptly murdered - his true legacy hidden in church censorship and doctrines. But the seed had been planted, and when the time was right a GREAT AWAKENING would occur. raising all human consciousness, and lifting our entire grain of sand with it. Such was the great hope and plan of the Annunaki.
So the Annunaki never gave up on us. When Jesus arrived here on earth, this was the chance to fulfill a dream. So humans were to be left to develop more or less on their own - with the memories and stories of the greatest man to ever walk the earth. They also left the greatest book of all time - a guide book known as The Holy Bible. which if properly interpreted, contained all the answers. The goal was to raise consciousness.
Yet in this sacred book there was a dire warning. The Book of Revelation foretold that should we fail to repent and redeem ourselves - the end would be certain and final. Revelation foretold a specific event which was to take place in the year 2017 - that was set forth in Revelation Chapter 12. There was described the prophecies of doom and destruction for the entire earth, at a specific moment when the stars and planets were aligned in a unique patterm - precisely described in Revelation 12. In 2017, many anticipated the event yet it did not occur.
Why? Because we had recieved a stay of judgment. We had repented in spirit and thereby earned a chance at redemption. Now, we are at a historic moment - will humanity complete the process and fully redeem itself? Can we overcome the division and chaos and evil that has ruled us for all time?
So far the answer is yes. America led the way be rejecting the massive deception and lies. We chose a rightous leader as the President of the United States. And with our support he has already begun to implement a truly worldwide PLAN. Now is the time - let's see it through together and CHANGE THE WORLD WITH THE GREAT AWAKENING. However, know that if we fail - if we falter and do not fully redeem humanity - our destruction will have only been delayed. Everything is at stake - it is truly BIGGER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE.