Many thanks for last night's crumbs! Perhaps one of the most significant, ironically enough, was one of the briefest:
"Tip top tippy top shape."
"It was requested.
Did you listen today?"
Q-Team response of "The timestamp is the key." in relation to the plane crash which killed Beverly Eckert relating Hillary Clinton to 2.12.09 requires a bit of clarification. What caused the 'loss of control on approach?' Were laser lights used to blind the pilot? It remains unsolved with respect to HRC and 9/11, the SA connection being the most apparent link. As there were many other foreign governments' involvement in that FF, the answers are more likely to be 'later' than 'sooner' and not without good reason.
On other matters which we heard today was President Trump's Press Conference with the President of the Baltic States. Going back to then Candidate Trump's meeting with the Mexican President in late August of 2016, Donald Trump has always presented himself to be Presidential, and we have seen time again in appearances with foreign leaders our President conducts himself quite admirably. With respect to the Baltic States, NATO is the foremost foreign policy concern, but economic development and trade is where our President is the master of the 'Art of the Deal.' The President noted the high degree of industrialization and cybersecurity measures, most notably with Estonia, as common ground. The President was asked a question concerning a 'nuclear defense shield,' but did not address it. With recently reported Russian development of a hypersonic nuclear weapon delivery system, perhaps our President wisely would rather take up the matter when he meets with President Putin, I'd expect sometime relatively soon after the North Korean summit.
While it comes as no surprise that the existing framework of American foreign policy has been military force, covert CIA intervention, and economic blackmail, President Trump's reminder today that the US has spent $7 trillion dollars over the last 18 years in Middle East meddling with no real benefit to our nation, perhaps John Bolton can express the 'Trump Agenda' in contradistinction to the neocon objectives that have ensnared US and the rest of the world for the last 20 or 30 years. In any event, today I once again saw President Trump as the candidate I voted for and who has done his best to do what is right not only for the United States, but also with the tact and tenacity to lead US and the rest of the world to the common objective of peace and prosperity for all.
Q-Team, thanks again for the much needed reassurance to 'Trust the Plan,' and those of us who have been following can discern the direction we are heading as it certainly seems "the time is now" as events unfold.