Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8840033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0070 >>0331 >>0587 >>0618 >>0726

Spain "Authorizes" Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities


The Spanish government has just "authorized" the military to prepare planes for aerial spraying of disinfectants across major metro areas as confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise, reported La Razón News.


The order was first published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado, the country's official gazette, on Friday, that "authorizes the NBQ (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and the UME to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection efforts to deal with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus."


According to the order, "the most effective disinfection techniques are the use of aerial means because through them, with nebulization, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques, all surfaces are reached quickly, avoiding reliance on manual application, which it is slower, and sometimes it does not reach all surfaces because there are obstacles that prevent reaching them."


The order continues to say "aerial disinfection" missions will be conducted "regularly" as long as the pandemic continues to ravage the country.


On Friday, Spain reported 5,252 new infections, the most significant jump in cases in more than a week, pushing up total cases to 184,948, with 19,478 deaths. The surge in cases could suggest that curve flattening via strict social distancing measures are not working, hence why the government has called up the military to conduct aerial disinfectant spraying missions.


La Razón News said the 43rd Air Force Group would operate Canadair CL-415 aerial firefighting planes that will most likely be outfitted with special sprayers to create an even stream of disinfectants while blanketing a metro area.


Just remember, the spraying of disinfectants, if that is by ground-based systems or humans, or aerial systems such as drones or airplanes, it will be coming to major metros across the US.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:07 a.m. No.8840050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0124 >>0263 >>0331 >>0467 >>0543 >>0587 >>0618 >>0726

'No evidence' antibodies give coronavirus survivors immunity, according to WHO


WHO health experts say "nobody is sure" if humans with coronavirus antibodies could be reinfected.


The World Health Organization issued a warning that there is currently no evidence that people who recovered from the coronavirus and have antibodies in their blood plasma will be immune to the deadly virus, which suggests that people who have contracted the disease once might not be immune from being reinfected by the virus.


The WHO cautioned that serological tests, which look for the presence of antibodies in blood plasma, might not be as helpful in identifying immunity because there is no proof that humans can build up immunity to prevent being reinfected by COVID-19.


During a Friday news conference in Geneva, Dr. Maria van Kerkhove said, "There are a lot of countries that are suggesting using rapid diagnostic serological tests to be able to capture what they think will be a measure of immunity. Right now, we have no evidence that the use of a serological test can show that an individual has immunity or is protected from reinfection."


"These antibody tests will be able to measure that level of seroprevalence - that level of antibodies - but that does not mean that somebody with antibodies means that they are immune," said van Kerkhove, head of WHO's emerging diseases and zoonosis unit.


"What the use of these tests will do will measure the level of antibodies," van Kerkhove said. "It's a response that the body has a week or two later after they've been infected with this virus."


Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO's emergencies program, noted that "nobody is sure" if humans with coronavirus antibodies could be reinfected.


"Nobody is sure whether someone with antibodies is fully protected against having the disease or being exposed again," Ryan said on Monday. "Plus some of the tests have issues with sensitivity. They may give a false negative result."


"With regards to recovery and then reinfection, I believe we do not have the answers to that. That is an unknown," Ryan said. "One would expect that a person who generates a full-blown immune response with detectable antibodies should have protection for a period of time. We just don't know what that period of time is."


Van Kerkhove referenced a preliminary study of the blood plasma of 175 patients in Shanghai who had recovered from the coronavirus.


"And that found some individuals had a strong antibody response," van Kerkhove stated. "Whether that antibody response actually means immunity is a separate question. That's something that we really need to better understand is what does that antibody response look like in terms of immunity."


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention rolled out a plan to do serologic testing in "more areas with high numbers of people with diagnosed infections." But the CDC also warned that "serologic test results have limitations that make them less than ideal tools for diagnosing people who are sick." The tests are "limited" because "it typically takes one to two weeks after someone becomes sick with COVID-19 for their body to make antibodies; some people may take longer to develop antibodies."


Professor John Newton, Director of Health Improvement at Public Health England, said the public should not use any unproven antibody tests.


"We are breaking new ground with this work every day, and I am confident this major research effort will make a breakthrough," Newton said. "Until then, please don't buy or take any unproven tests. They may not be reliable for your intended use; they may give a false reading and put you, your family or others at risk."


Over 582,000 people of the more than 2.2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide have recovered.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8840104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0142

Newly Released FISA Documents of Deep State Spying on George Papadopoulos Curiously Have Seth Rich’s Name Redacted from Transcripts


Evidence released this week confirms more FBI and Mueller gang lies and cover ups


Attorney Ty Clevenger has tried for the past three years to obtain documents related to Seth Rich from the Deep State but has received nothing. Now another document has been released that refers to Seth Rich but this was never provided to Clevenger.


We know from our previous reporting that a Deep State Anti-Trump former Assistant US Attorney claimed under oath that the FBI did examine Seth Rich’s computer and that she met with an FBI Agent and prosecutor from the Mueller gang. This indicates the meeting should have been recorded in a form 302 but the FBI continues to claim no records related to Seth Rich are available!


Before that we reported that after getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich, emails between FBI Deep State lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered by Judicial Watch referring to “Seth Rich”.


This past week, transcripts of a conversation between George Papadopoulos and a confidential informant beleived to be Stefan Halper were released by the DOJ. This transcripts confirm that Papadopoulos was spied on and taped, two things Papadopoulos was not told at the time of the case made against him by the Mueller gang.


In a portion of the transcript are references to Seth Rich. But again, the documents are redacted, so we cannot confirm positively. But based on what we know to date and based on Deep State’s efforts to redact anything of importance, we believe the following transcripts refer to Seth Rich (not in the transcript CT is believed to be Papadopoulos and CHS is believed to be Halper):


Again, here is more evidence that there are documents maintained by the DOJ and the Mueller gang that the Deep State is hiding from the public.



Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:12 a.m. No.8840144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0331 >>0587 >>0618 >>0726

Child sex abuse in Pakistan’s religious schools is endemic


PAKPATTAN, Pakistan (AP) — Muhimman proudly writes his name slowly, carefully, one letter at a time, grinning broadly as he finishes. He’s just 11 years old and was a good student who had dreams of being a doctor.


School frightens him now. Earlier this year, a cleric at the religious school he faithfully attended in the southern Punjab town of Pakpattan took him into a washroom and tried to rape him. Muhimman’s aunt, Shazia, who wanted only her first name used, said she believes the abuse of young children is endemic in Pakistan’s religious schools. She said she has known the cleric, Moeed Shah, since she was a little girl and describes him as an habitual abuser who used to ask little girls to pull up their shirts.


“He has done wrong with boys and also with two or three girls,” Shazia said, recalling one girl the cleric brutalized so badly he broke her back.


An investigation by The Associated Press found dozens of police reports, known here as First Information Reports, alleging sexual harassment, rape and physical abuse by Islamic clerics teaching in madrassas or religious schools throughout Pakistan, where many of the country’s poorest study. The AP also documented cases of abuse through interviews with law enforcement officials, abuse victims and their parents. The alleged victims who spoke for this story did so with the understanding only their first names would be used.


There are more than 22,000 registered madrassas in Pakistan, teaching more than 2 million children. But there are many more religious schools that are unregistered. They are typically started by a local cleric in a poor neighborhood, attracting students with a promise of a meal and free lodging. There is no central body of clerics that governs madrassas. Nor is there a central authority that can investigate or respond to allegations of abuse by clerics, unlike the Catholic Church, which has a clear hierarchy topped by the Vatican.


The government of Prime Minister Imran Khan has promised to modernize the curriculum and make the madrassas more accountable, but there is little oversight.


Police say the problem of sexual abuse of children by clerics is pervasive and the scores of police reports they have received are just the tip of the iceberg. Yet despite the dozens of reports, none have resulted in the conviction of a cleric. Religious clerics are a powerful group in Pakistan and they close ranks when allegations of abuse are brought against one of them. They have been able to hide the widespread abuse by accusing victims of blasphemy or defamation of Islam.


Families in Pakistan are often coerced into “forgiving” clerics, said Deputy Police Superintendent Sadiq Baloch, speaking in his office in the country’s northwest, toward the border with Afghanistan.


Overcome by shame and fear that the stigma of being sexually abused will follow a child into adulthood, families choose instead to drop the charges, he said. Most often, when a family forgives the cleric the investigation ends because the charges are dropped.


“It is the hypocrisy of some of these mullahs, who wear the long beard and take on the cloak of piety only to do these horrible acts behind closed doors, while openly they criticize those who are clean shaven, who are liberal and open minded,” Baloch said. “In our society so many of these men, who say they are religious, are involved in these immoral activities.”



Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.8840167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0216 >>0323 >>0331 >>0587 >>0618 >>0726

Donald Trump: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam Did ‘Horrible Thing’ with Gun Control


President Trump commented to reporters during a question and answer session on Friday that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) did a “horrible thing” to his state via gun control.


Breitbart News reported that Northam signed numerous gun control laws on April 10, 2020. Among them were a ban on private gun sales, limits on the number of guns law-abiding Virginians may buy in a given month, and storage laws that place new reporting burdens on gun owners, among other things.


On January 17, 2020–the apex of citizen protests against gun control proposals in Virginia–Trump warned that Democrats on the national level will be a mirror image of anti-gun Virginia Democrats if given power nationally. He said, “Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away.”


Trump tweeted on April 17, “Liberate Virginia, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!”

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8840232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Governor Says Federal Health Officials Are Lying


A Mexican governor called out federal health officials for lying to the public about “non-existent” health care centers, sub-par protective equipment, and assurances that only place the public at risk. The harshest criticism to date comes as other governors called out federal health officials for claiming all is well in regard to the spread of the novel-coronavirus (COVID-19).


This week, the Mexican state of Michoacán’s Governor Silvano Aureoles Conejo, took to social media to share a video where he called Zoe Robledo, the head of Mexico’s Social Security Health System (IMSS) a liar and lashed out against Mexico’s Undersecretary of Health Hugo Lopez Gatell, claiming his public assurances about the pandemic made no sense.


According to Aureoles, federal health officials had claimed engineers were fixing and working on ventilators at a special center in Michoacán.


“With all due respect … There is no IMSS center in Michoacán, there is an abandoned area that does not even have a desk or chairs, there is nothing there.” Aureoles Conejo said addressing the head of the IMSS, Zoe Robledo. “Your time would be better spent on improving the working conditions of the medical staff under you and not saying things that are completely false.”


In the video, Aureoles Conejo also lashed out against Gatell for recently claiming that certain areas’ municipalities could start lifting the lockdown measures in the near future with the rest of the nation following at a later date. The governor quoted Lopez Gatell’s previous statements that the most critical time for COVID-19 hospitalizations would be around May 23 and the epidemic curve would begin to level out on June 25.


“Those measures you want to implement, Michoacán will not be taking part in them,” Aureoles Conejo said. “If you want to continue lying to the public go ahead. But not everyone has a blindfold, nor believes the irresponsible comments made by you during this crisis.”


The governor also said that his state would return the protective equipment that they received from the federal government saying it was too little and of sub-par quality.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.8840256   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nebraska Universities to Offer Free Tuition to Nebraska Students with Family Incomes of $60,000 or Less


As an economic crisis cripples Nebraska and the nation, higher education leaders make a bold announcement from Lincoln: starting next fall, the University of Nebraska will guarantee tuition-free college to families in the state making less than $60,000.

Newly-named University President Ted Carter revealed the Nebraska Promise program Friday, citing a history of the state's university system pursuing affordability.


"Today we’re doubling down on that promise," said Carter in a statement. "We understand that in these uncertain times, many Nebraskans are rethinking every dollar. We want students and families to know that their University is here for them, that we want them as part of our family, and that we’re doing everything we can to keep the promise of a college education within reach, no matter what their circumstance."

The bold announcement comes less than 12 months after Carter's predecessor, Hank Bounds, admitted Nebraska was lagging against competing institutions on the affordability front.

"We do not compete in that space," said Hank Bounds, during an exit interview with KETV NewsWatch 7's David Earl. "Period."


The Nebraska Promise will take effect in fall 2020 and will guarantee that full-time resident undergraduates whose families have an adjusted gross income of $60,000 or less or who qualify for the federal Pell Grant can attend any NU campus and pay no tuition, the university explained in a statement.

It will apply to returning, transfer and new students, both on-campus and online, and requires no separate application beyond the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), according to a news release.

"Accessibility for the people of Nebraska has been core to the mission of our University for more than 150 years," Carter said in announcing the Nebraska Promise at today’s Board of Regents meeting.

The University projects an additional 1,000 students will benefit from the expanded tuition assistance program.

"The Nebraska Promise will help more of our young people afford college, graduate on time and get a great-paying job here in our state," said Gov. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., in a statement. "I’m pleased to see the University taking this important step to keep costs down for Nebraskans, especially at a time when all of us are tightening our belts."

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8840284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump puts himself at the heart of the 'lockdown rebellion' tweeting 'LIBERATE' Michigan, Virginia and Minnesota in broadside at Democratic governors day after saying they 'call the shots'


President Trump made himself the star of the 'lockdown rebellion' on Friday by tweeting 'LIBERATE Minnesota' and then adding Michigan and Virginia to the list of states that should be freed.


The tweets came one day after the president's coronavirus taskforce rolled out guidelines that would give governors broad power to decide when states' economies would open back up amid the coronavirus pandemic.


But governors, including Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer, have attracted protests from constituents complaining that the stay at home orders to prevent the spread of the deadly virus have trampled on their liberty.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.8840294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Husband and Wife Chicago Lawyers that worked with Barack Obama found dead under suspicious circumstances


A husband and his wife, both lawyers, were found dead Monday night in their Chicago area home.


Authorities discovered the bodies of Thomas Johnson, 69, and Leslie Jones, 67, at around 7:30 p.m. while conducting a welfare check at their Oak Park home.


Police said that “preliminary information gathered at the scene indicates suspicious circumstances” and it does not appear that the deaths were self-inflicted.


Reynolds said he does not believe there is a threat to the public but out of an abundance of caution patrol cars have increased in the area.


Johnson, who founded the firm, played a crucial role in establishing affordable housing in Chicago and “in securing justice for coal miners, truck drivers and others in the labor movement,” his bio reads.


He also helped reform Chicago’s voter registration and worked with many officeholders, including former President Barack Obama, according to the law firm.


Deaths of married attorneys found in Oak Park home ruled homicides


Thomas Johnson, 69, and Leslie Ann Jones, 67, died of multiple sharp force injuries, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner.


The couple were Harvard Law graduates and partners in the downtown law firm Johnson, Jones, Snelling, Gilbert and Davis.


Johnson has served as a hearing officer for Chicago’s police disciplinary panel since the 1990s. He oversaw many high profile cases, including officers accused of attempting to cover up the Laquan McDonald shooting.


On Wednesday evening, the FBI confirmed that they are assisting local law enforcement in the investigation.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.8840400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0513

Military Travel Ban Extended Until June 30; Some Restrictions Eased


The Pentagon is extending its ban on most military and domestic travel, including permanent change of station moves, by nearly two months as COVID-19 cases continue to increase across the force.


Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness Matthew Donovan told reporters in a Saturday morning call that an order set to take effect Monday will extend the end date for the travel prohibition from May 11 to June 30. However, he added, there will be increased flexibility for exemptions in the new order as the military enters its busy summer PCS season.


Officials were vague about what restrictions will be eased in the new extension order, which remains in draft form and has yet to be signed by Defense Secretary Mark Esper. Donovan said military deployments and redeployments, largely halted in the initial stop-movement order that took effect March 13, will now move forward on a case-by-case basis, pending the discretion of relevant commanders. Travel for recruiting and entry-level training is also approved, he said.


"Understanding we are approaching our major permanent change of station season, the department will actively provide support options to assist our people," Donovan said. "The new guidance … allows travelers who are in the middle of temporary duty travel or permanent change of station moves to continue on to their home stations or new duty stations. It also exempts travel for medical reasons."


Waivers will continue to be granted for travel deemed necessary because of personal hardship, humanitarian and mission-related reasons, and those who are pending retirement or military separation will be allowed to travel.


"Also, when it meets operational requirements, we will consider in-place assignment extensions or waivers for PCS moves for service members with school-age dependents to minimize school-year disruptions and education costs," he said.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.8840485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0594

Charity tied to top rabbi raises cash with promise of immunity from coronavirus


Bnei Brak-based Kupat Ha’ir organization, associated with Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, tells donors a NIS 3,000 payment will guarantee their family protection from COVID-19


A charity affiliated with a prominent and controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi has been promising donors who pay NIS 3,000 ($836) that they will enjoy immunity from the coronavirus for themselves and their families.


The Bnei Brak-based Kupat Ha’ir organization launched the campaign last month. The groups says it has the blessing of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky and is aimed at raising funds for families affected by the virus in the largely ultra-Orthodox city.


The community of 200,000 near Tel Aviv has been hard hit by the virus, with the second highest infection total in the country — 2,150 as of Thursday. Jerusalem leads with 2,418 cases. Health officials have speculated that there could be tens of thousands of undiagnosed cases in Bnei Brak.


Kanievsky is a prominent leader of the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community in Bnei Brak with hundreds of thousands of followers and is the head of the Ponovitz yeshiva in the city. Last month, he initially defied government calls to close yeshivas, only reversing his stance after two fateful weeks.


The Kupat Ha’ir website states that any donor who sends a payment of NIS 3,000 — in up to 30 installments — will receive an amulet in addition to an assurance on behalf of Kanievsky that “he will not get sick and that there will not be anyone sick in his home.”


The charity organization, which has a budget of NIS 131 million ($36.5 million), has raised over NIS 280,000 ($77,990) since launching the campaign, according to a Friday Channel 12 report.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.8840530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0598

Big Tech Companies Helping During Coronavirus? What Gavin Newsom Said About Apple, Google, Facebook


Contract tracing involves a person reporting a positive diagnosis of the coronavirus through an app, which then anonymously notifies users who have been in recent contact with the person.

Facebook offers maps of population movement to researchers and non-profits through its Data for Good program.

There is fear that big technology companies could compromise privacy protections if they overreach.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom offered a positive assessment of Silicon Valley's role in moving the state's economy forward during the coronavirus pandemic. In an interview Friday on the CNBC program "Fast Money," Newsom cited Facebook, Google and Apple for their work with contact tracers and data to help contain the spread of COVID-19.


“We’re so pleased with the work (Facebook CEO) Mark Zuckerberg has been doing to help support the open-access of appropriate data in an anonymized way — in a non-individual or personalized way — including Apple and Google and others,” Newsom said.


"They are really going to help us with the technology platforms to help us supplement or support the efforts of the individual tracers — an army that we’re all starting to build and train to be able to ultimately move back into an economic point where more of our businesses are opening up every hour, not just every day and every week," he added.


Contract tracing involves a person reporting a positive diagnosis of the coronavirus through an app, which then anonymously notifies users who have been in recent contact with the person. Apple and Google would reportedly not collect location data from users, a key issue after big technology companies faced scrutiny for privacy practices.


Apple and Google announced on April 10 that the tech giants would "work to enable a broader Bluetooth-based contact tracing platform by building this functionality into the underlying platforms."


In early April, Google announced Community Mobility Reports, which "chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential."


Facebook, meanwhile, offers maps of population movement to researchers and non-profits through its Data for Good program.


"Our Disease Prevention Maps are aggregated sets of information that health researchers can use to better understand how population dynamics influence the spread of disease. Researchers and health experts around the world have advocated for more of this information to respond to the pandemic," Facebook said on April 6.


There may be some lingering fears that such efforts by tech giants could compromise privacy protections if they overreach.


"A well-designed tool could offer public health benefit, but a poorly designed one could pose unnecessary and significant risks to privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties," the American Civil Liberties Union noted Thursday in a commentary.


The coronavirus has crippled economies around the world. Newsom said 3.1 million Californians have filed for unemployment since March 12.


On Friday, Newsom enlisted the help of former governors, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Disney Chairman Bob Iger, billionaire businessman Tom Steyer and others to join the Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery.


California, which has a population of nearly 40 million, is the world's fifth-largest economy.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.8840557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614 >>0657

Judge Dismisses Twitter’s Bid to Reveal US Government Surveillance Requests


A federal judge has blocked Twitter from revealing surveillance requests it received from the federal government, accepting the government’s argument that the disclosures would likely lead to harm to national security.


Twitter had sued the Justice Department in 2014 in order to be allowed to publish surveillance requests it received in its “Draft Transparency Report.” The platform argued that the prohibition violated its First Amendment free speech rights.


Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers of the District Court for Northern California on Friday accepted the government’s argument, writing that granting the social media platform’s request “would be likely to lead to grave or imminent harm to the national security.”


“The Government’s motion for summary judgment is GRANTED and Twitter’s motion for summary judgment is DENIED,” Rogers wrote in her 11-page order (pdf).


The court ruling said the government’s use of confidential declarations sufficiently explained the “gravity of the risks inherent in disclosure” of the exact number of national security letters from 2014.

Today's News Updates


A Twitter spokesperson said that they believe it was vital that the public see the demands the company receives in order to help the general public understand the extent of government surveillance.


“Transparency is a key guiding principle in Twitter’s mission to serve the public conversation.

Anonymous ID: b1e162 April 18, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.8840588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0692

New Jersey Woman Charged With Plotting to Violate Governor's Stay-at-Home Order


The New Jersey woman who helped organize and film a protest in the state capitol of Trenton against Governor Phil Murphy's stay-at-home orders was charged by the state police with violating the emergency decrees. The information comes to us via a press release from the state's attorney general, Gurbir S. Grewal and Colonel Patrick J. Callahan, Superintendent of the New Jersey State Police.


That's some pretty heavy artillery to keep a lone woman in line. All she did was exercise her right to organize a protest and film it.


The protestors gathered outside the Statehouse and other locations in Trenton on Friday afternoon as Murphy and state health officials held their daily coronavirus press briefing.


A video taken by a woman who was live streaming the protest on Facebook showed people driving by the Statehouse honking their horns with American flags waving from their windows and others holding signs and flags on the sidewalk in front of the building.


A woman holding a megaphone could also be seen among the relatively small crowd along with a group of masked New Jersey State Police troopers that the woman filming kept panning over to during the course of the nearly 10-minute long video.


Did the attorney general and superintendent of the state police really have to issue a press release about bringing the heavy-hand of government down on one, lone woman whose only crime was that she was outdoors filming a protest? That press release was obviously designed to scare off other protesters. Isn't that kind of like, well, sort of… tyranny?


Incredibly, AG Grewal bragged about the "enforcement action" in a tweet.