Anonymous ID: ffab22 April 18, 2020, 11:29 a.m. No.8840390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Environment Minister, Rebecca Pow, said: “We all want to do our bit to show our appreciation for the NHS and front-line workers but please stay safe and consider one of the many other ways of showing support.


“Sky lanterns pose a danger to our precious environment and wildlife and can place a greater strain on our front-line services and key workers at this challenging time.”


Mrs Fairburn said the CLA had reacted quickly to the “misguided sentiment” of releasing the lanterns and had contacted all rural MPs, asking them to raise awareness of the dangers they posed.


“Releasing a naked flame, with absolutely no control over where it will land, is a serious threat to rural businesses, livestock, wildlife and the environment. There is simply no responsible way of using them.


“It is good the company has seen sense and decided to end the campaign, especially as there are much better ways to show support and appreciation for the invaluable work of the NHS.”


Lanterns are in the news.