Anonymous ID: 4ef2f2 April 18, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.8845314   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8841951 (PB)

Imagine if we took imprudent and impudent mis-steps and screwed things up beyond fixing.

What then, grasshopper?

We are soldiers. We do what we are told when and how we are told to do it to the utmost of our ability.

The rest of the time, we wait and try not to screw things up too badly.

>>8841938 (PB)

No patriot will even consider complying with this secret police bull shit.

No once. Not even a little bit. If you DO decide to flood this with "too close" snitching, make it of cops too close (two cops in a car is too close!), of pigeons, of dogs in the alley, of people leaving the trains (etc) and make sure to never include a facial photo of another citizen who is in any way associated with the "infraction".

It's time for the resistance to do resistance shit.

>>8841853 (PB)

That's one trash gash. Somebody probably wants it, but she's safe from me.

I never (knowingly) stick my dick in crazy and "Satanist" is automatically crazy enough to throw rocks at.

>>8841808 (PB)

Just thinking how proud she would have been to see her son now. The little sandy-haired kid who hugged her when she tucked him in bed has risen to slay the evil in the world.

But she's still Mom, and he still loves her.


We can make this guy disappear by wearing the tag ourselves. Thousands and thousands of us. Out of Shadows now showing 8.3+ million views. Surely there are enough of us to put 20-30 name tags at ever event?

>>8841826 (PB)

Spraying homogenous populations including children and the elderly … what harm could THAT possibly cause?

Fauci doesn't want us to use a medication first approved for humans in 1955 … he really DOES need to speak out against this shit.