Anonymous ID: 1b62a1 April 18, 2020, 10:02 p.m. No.8847430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And today is the day we learned that John Reese is the guy that's been posting in the breads, trying to get anons divided over anons contributing work to an anonymous research board where "big names" in the movement, on Twitter, use that work to draw more anons in to the truth movement that Q has helped anons build.


Don't be a dick, John. You seem likable. Remember what Q said:


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e42a09 No.8200590 📁

Feb 20 2020 20:47:48 (EST)


Anonymous ID: 22ec82 No.8200492 📁

Feb 20 2020 20:42:25 (EST)




Baker already noted Q.


Missed heaps of other shit but got this



Primary purpose of referencing 'Twitter' accounts?

TOGETHER you are invincible.






If you are in this to get brownie points and followers, and money for being a good compilation artist, you are in this for the wrong reasons. If you are attempting to rile up the support of anons over seeing their work being passed off as someone else's, again, you are missing the point entirely.


You are being a division shill. Fuck off with that. This is information warfare. This is NOT a popularity contest, and anons know this. Will some believe the hype of "stolen" work? Sure. But you have to believe the work is stolen to begin with. Most anons contribute what they want, hoping someone is able to distill it into consumable content, out there.


If you are perceiving an injustice here, then take it up, DIRECTLY, with those big name accounts. Rant on their twitter posts and see how well it's received. I can assure you that they'll come clean with their info, or fade into obscurity. The important part of all of this is to get the truth out there. Not to be prideful or boast about your work.


If you feel this passionate about it, go and approach those big names on their accounts directly. See how it works out for ya.