Anonymous ID: dd8b87 April 18, 2020, 10:09 p.m. No.8847484   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q694 "What if cures already exist?"

Q3934 Significance of the ring

Q3979 CHQ related to ring youtube link

Q3985 More rings–Harvesting the benefits of such medicines

The ring in Q's youtube link may have significance in reference to "cures." The presence of the carbon ring structure (Benzenoid?)–a planar ring with six carbon atoms bound by alternating single and double bonds may indicative of therapeutic/medicinal effects.

This structure is found in Quinine (anti-malarial), CHG (anti-malarial and other possible benefits- ), Hydroxychloroquine (anti-malarial, possibly CV-19), Sontoquine (anti-malarial, Bayer, Sontochin, 1934), Favipiravir (antiviral, from Japan), Acetylsalicyclic Acid (Aspirin-Bayer), Sassafras (Springtime tonic, Native American medicinal, banned by FDA containing Safrole and Sassarandainol–

Discovery of Benzene structure–snake eating its own tail–