Anonymous ID: c79f34 April 18, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.8848096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8847706 PB

I am unsure of the timelines exactly, because while we read the book of revelations chapter by chapter, some visions given may not be in the order they happen in. The Seals and the bowls and such, yes, that order would be obvious to follow for it to be correct. The different beasts I am unsure of the order they appear.


Rev 13 begins the talk of the beasts.

The Triad system is Dragon Beast FalseProphet (looks like a lamb beast -- Y head). Dragon bestows on the beast power, and the false prophet spews his filth. The image is of the beast is what speaks and those that doe not bow to it are killed. Many will die in this event. The amount of blood flowing out of "the city" is as high as a horses bridle.

Dragon is clearly Lucifer. He tries to destroy the Christ but is foiled. The beast is the political system or the political figure. The beast is mortally wounded but does not die, and the people marvel and worship it.

The False prophet spreads the beast worship and helps the image of the beast to be made. The mark of the beast comes from this system, and it is definitely some coming chip. Cannot buy or sell without it. its hard enough to buy or sell using anything but a card or some fucking app on your God damned phone.


Rev 13:18 "This is where wisdom is needed; those who understand should count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person, and its number is 666."

Rev 14:9-10 "...If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, he will indeed drink the wine of God's fury poured undiluted into the cup of his rage. ..."


There is another beast, the scarlet beast that The Whore of Babylon rides. mentioned in Rev 17, and talked about below.


Interesting to note, that each beast: dragon, beast 1, and scarlet beast all have 7 heads and 10 horns. Symbolism here, each head is a region, and each horn is a nation/king. Only the False prophet has 2 horns, like a lamb AKA Y HEAD.


Also interesting to note is that Babylon the Great only drinks from the wine of God's fury after the 7th bowl is poured into the air (Rev 16:17+), which causes a MASSIVE earthquake such as never seen before, shaking the whole earth. This breaks the world up and shatters all known geography. This event also brings huge 70 pound hailstones which is so bad that the people cursed God for it again. Likely residual from the earthquake and possible volcanoes that it brings.


Beginning in the next chapter, Rev 17, we see the vision of the whore of babylon. She sits by many waters (regions/peoples), goes whoring with the kings of the peoples, and has gotten drunk and stupid of the wine of her immorality. She is called the Mother of whores and of the Earth's obscenities (Source of all immorality). She is a vampire/cannibal. She is representative of the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. She sounds like the cabal. She will perish in a single day.


The merchants all weep because no one will be around to buy their wares which include slaves, and people's souls.

Also of note, at the end of Rev 18, an angel is calling out the judgment on the whore and ends with "For your businessmen were the most powerful on earth, all the nations were deceived by your magic spell. In her was found the blood of prophets and of God's people, indeed, of all who have ever been slaughtered on earth!"

Rev 17-18 is an interesting read, or re-read, and with many new things to ponder again.


Conclusion, lots of shit gonna happen still. The whore of babylon is not a geographical location, strictly speaking. and She is NASTY evil, the root of it in many cases.


... rambled a lot. its late. hope this makes sense.