Looked at Q drops prior to coming here this morning. Realized the two lanterns probably had symbolic meaning. Then I saw the info about "Profiles in Courage" award. Definitely think this is notable, down to the mention (in the text) of Navy ship USS Constitution.
I've often seen Asians in public here in the US wearing masks in public. Pollution fears? Prior knowledge of onset of "coronavirus" or decision to try to avoid facial recognition technology? Maybe a mix of these motives. My entire group of first degree relatives (in two US time zones, and on two continents) experienced "chest cold" a few months ago. One relative told it was viral but not contagious (apparently)! One story looking at a sample of people in the community suggests that transmission/exposure to the "virus" is 50-80 times higher than previously believed! At this point, I think it might be advisable to wear masks out of consideration for scared sheeple or to protect your privacy (from DS cameras) but not for personal health reasons (unless you are worried about something other than coronavirus).
I want to hint at what I think is going on: 1. "It will be Biblical" Read 2 Kings 10:17-28. Who do the mentioned people represent today?
It is getting clearer by the day, that white-coated "public health" types are actually the unelected controllers of what was once our Constitutional Republic. I think they are also like the "priests of Baal" in the scripture. We definitely need to stop "worshipping" the 'white coats"!
If anons consider carefully how 2A freedom can be used to completely non-violently defend ourselves, I think they will see some "light". The number of crimes prevented by the simple knowledge that the intended victim is armed is vastly higher than the number of crimes interrupted by the deployment of a gun defensively.
Wow. "Public servant" trashing a public park!
In my city there was "caution" tape placed on playground equipment!
Yesterday a whole crowd of kids showed up at the schoolyard to play basketball. I say : Good! Taxpayers fund all that stuff and children have next to no risk of any stupid virus, anyway.