Oh, where have you been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been, Charming Billy?
I've been spreading disease and strife
For the whole of my darn life
And now I'll come for you, darling Billy
Somewhere between 9 and 10 platformsโฆ
I know that story
It takes us into a fantastical world
Where powerful people live secretly among us.
Some are good and some are bad
But one of them is the champion of UNITY
Between all of the people,
Whether they have the power or not.
Donald Trump is the real Harry Potter
Scion of an Illuminati bloodline.
Lord and Lady of the Dance
A Light In The Dark
5:5 at the end
Dance, then, wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said he,
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be,
And I'll lead you all in the Dance, said he
Is the flickering, high speed morse code comms?
The Rule Of Law
We the people have all the power
If we only learn how to use it
This is why the courts were cleaned up early in THE PLAN.
Teamwork is what its all about.
The people UNITED are invincible
That is why the Left puts so much effort into DIVIDING.
We're All In This Together
Let's All Pull Together
Where We Go One We Go All
Everybody should be looking for opportunities to sue somebody and resolve some local problem that has been festering for years.
We need more lawsuits, not just one federal one
And we need lawsuits about a whole host of things
Negligence of all kinds
Incompetence in government
Election fraud, not the general problem but sue the local groups who carry it out right down to the org who rents the buses to carry illegals from poll to poll to vote dozens of times all day long.
Babylon will fall
Anons plan still is a good one
It just needs 50 different lawyers to take it to each of the 50 states.
Anon can get a California injunction
And others can get one in their state.
This will also generate far more publicity