Anonymous ID: 6393db April 19, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.8849816   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9825 >>9892


>Why do you say Brennan?


Fuk'n TOR crashed on me. Took forever to get back. But to answer your question…Why Brennan first…


Not only because of what GP reported, but because last year, Brennan said that the "Russia Investigation" fell at Obama's feet. Clapper said the same thing. Both of them were quick to throw the Kenyan Contortionist under (the back…kek) of the bus.


We still don't know who authorized the first FISA, and it is likely that Solomon's reporting pertains to those (who we already know) signed off on the FISA warrants that followed, (Yates, Comey, RR, Strozk, etc.).


The first question is, who signed off on and authorized the FISA that started the whole fraudulent investigation? And how does this link to Brennan and Clapper stating that it all falls at Obama's feet? WHAT do they know?


Q said that the first indictment unsealed arrest would "trigger a mass pop awakening" and that the first arrest would "verify action and confirm future direction". These may not represent a single event. And although we all know this leads right back to Obammy, if he was the first arrest, there would be rioting.


The first arrest will "verify action and confirm future direction". Taking down Brennan would do that. A name, or at least the head of an agency, that people already recognize as being corrupt.


I think the Plan is to squeeze the FBI like a pimple from the bottom up, and take the Hammer to the C_A from the top down. Again, what does Brennan know, and why did he say that the "Russian Investigation" falls on Obama's doorstep?