Anonymous ID: 9d3c07 April 19, 2020, 7:11 a.m. No.8849869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9978



>False expectations [& push] based on 'speculation' will only weaponize those who attack us [MSM]. Q


Some anons have commented on this repeatedly -

most of the nonsense posted here

-children being rescued from tunnels

-JFK Jr is alive, y'all!

-flat earth

-everyone's a clone or a cannibal

-X will be arrested/indicted this week/end


is posted by bad actors whether they are from Media Matters crew, bitter cripple's crew, r/qult crew or an ABC (obviously there is overlap there). And the reason is multifarious, like most operations:


-build false expectations

-preying on natural instincts (protection of children)

-preying on emotions (impatience, justified outrage, urge for real justice)

-start chatter in normiesphere (twitter, facebook)

-have operatives/sleepers pick up that chatter and add more sensational aspects and amplify it more and more

-Mockingbirds pick up that sensationalized planted bullshit and portray Q and those who "follow" Q as crazed nutters.


If you step back and watch this play out, it is really obvious that these are actual psy-operations. Each one is specifically targeted to a different subgroup of Q people, yet they are all complimentary to the overall goal: make this movement look as crazy and ridiculous as possible to scare off normies (you don't want to be associated with THOSE CRAZY PEOPLE do you?!?), along with attempting to create consensus among Q people that the emotional drain of constantly datefagging and falseexpectationfagging is too much and therefore giving them permission to "leave the movement" and portraying (falsely) this as a trend.


Anons and normies who jump on the false expectation bandwagon (rescuing children from tunnels, arrest of X, etc.) or datefagging are setting themselves up and unwittingly participating in the psy-op.


This is not the time to be emotional, fall into plainly laid traps, or be a Summer soldier.


War is HELL

Anons are digital SOLDIERS.

Anons are not here to feel good, be recognized or reassured. Soldiers never know the grand plan or the higher level details, that's just reality.


Anons really need to understand this. "Information" both true and false is posted here, and it is crucial to develop discernment and use self-control ("Be in control of yourself. Q") and think logically:

-Why is this information coming out/being posted NOW?

-What MULTIPLE PURPOSES ARE SERVED by putting this information out now?

-WHO benefits from putting this information out now?

And understand that "information" can be true or false, true facts or just facts. Keep in mind always the ways that information are manipulated to DECEIVE.

Anonymous ID: 9d3c07 April 19, 2020, 7:32 a.m. No.8850028   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0041 >>0070


Very recently POTUS signed an EO designating the line of succession for the Dept of Interior. I had a feeling it was related to this:


-People stuck inside for months

-Going a bit stir crazy, not a lot of exercise (gyms closed)

-Kids cooped up, no parks, no school/league sports etc.

-Sports & other events shut down (both spectator and participatory)

-Lot of Americans are fat & unhealthy

-Food supply chain becoming evident, people thinking about gardening to be more self sufficient

-Medical supply chain becoming evident, people thinking more about 'natural' and holistic medicine and cures


→ Open up public lands and encourage family outings, camping and hiking (and picnics!) with PR to the public to let them know this FREE resource is there for them.


What a better way to help Americans voluntarily change their unhealthy lifestyles?

POTUS is 5 steps ahead.

Anonymous ID: 9d3c07 April 19, 2020, 7:34 a.m. No.8850040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0077


Thank you for taking it in the spirit in which it was intended, anon, I really appreciate that.


I don't understand this, though:

>WHO is benefiting from putting this out there now? actually is

>WHO is benefiting from butting this out there now.

There was not a typo and I don't understand what you are saying here? (only 1 cup of coffee so far today, kek)