-Q ID: 000000 April 19, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.8851305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>when do you call a plumber?

when there is a leak or a FLOOD



'i've heard that b4 but couldn't remember the answer, kek




i choose leak as the correct answer for now

If leak is correct, then who had a leak?

hrc r had a leak?

If hrc r had a leak, who was the leak?

We know congress/senate/fbi leaky AF, kek.

all to control narrative, which controls …

Who gets the leaks and publishes?

How much media pushes the narrative?


Lying #2 300,000,000+ and calling it News, dam near Treason, imo.

Election soon; research/choose great leaders.

Right now, House continues to drag.

Remove the drag, remove nancy/chuck; save Cali

We could research every dem leader or we could simply Vote all dem leaders out, kek

Which dem leader do you Trust?

Which News do you Trust? (90% fake?)

Where do they get their monies?

Why pay for fake news?

Will they be stronger with your money?

Will they))) continue to lie?

a stronger liar in leadership position is more dangerous to our Neighborhoods

schiff, biden, nancy, chuck, ted, etc benefit from fake news, imo

many more also: ohr, strozk, LL, RR, mueller, bho, soros, WHO, hrc, fauci, corney, lisa, huma, podesta(s), weinstein, epstein, bill, etc

sad list but becoming obvious, thankfully; tanks to Gold Star Researchers

the more News Anons push, the moar msm has to keep up or they become irrelevant/obvious.

Normies be like 'how come Anons get all this News but they don't talk about it on tv'.

Newbies be like 'spoopy'.


