Anonymous ID: a54926 April 19, 2020, 9:28 a.m. No.8851002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1580 >>1592


Yeah..Because we know how hard and important it is to teach kids about anal sex Right ?….it takes 40 Billion to do…..What the FK


Harvard is teaching students about anal sex


Harvard University offered students classes on anal sex during its annual "Sex Week".


The hour long class, called “What what in the Butt: anal 101” taught students how to have anal sex in a healthy way.


The class was part of Harvard’s “Sex Week” which runs from 5-12 November.


Other classes include, “Protection Methods:Condoms,IUDs, the Pill, Oh My!”, “Sex Toys 101: Feel those Good Vibrations”, alongside many others.


The university first began hosting “Sex Week” in 2011 with the mission to promote healthy sex.

Anonymous ID: a54926 April 19, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.8851213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Friendly reminder: CNN still has not fired drughead Andrew Gillum


This is CNN. Still on the payroll at CNN Is none other than Andrew Gillum. The same Andrew Gillum who tried to steal the gubernatorial election in Florida and failed. The same Andrew Gillum quickly scooped up by CNN as a political commentator. And the same Andrew Gillum who was found on a Miami Beach hotel room where he was found inebriated with a man suspected of overdosing on crystal meth


Gillum is claiming to be “stepping away from politics” for the moment, but CNN has remained silent on his status since the incident. Apparently they haven’t fired him, though I don’t know if they are still paying him. This is CNN.

Anonymous ID: a54926 April 19, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.8851406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1418

World held hostage by hit-or-miss Covid-19 tests

Mass coronavirus testing is needed to allow locked down societies to reopen but the accuracy of those now in use is still in doubt


Coronavirus testing has been the subject of huge interest, frustration and confusion.


The United Kingdom has come under worldwide criticism for its lack of mass testing, despite the director general of WHO encouraging countries to “test, test, test.” Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that the UK now aims to test 100,000 people a day for Covid-19 by the end of April.


There are two main types of Covid-19 tests. Swab tests, which usually take a sample from the throat or nose, to detect viral RNA. These determine if you currently have Covid-19. Blood tests, which detect antibodies, can determine if you have had Covid-19, and are therefore immune.


No test is 100% accurate. Although tests can perform well in ideal laboratory conditions, in real life lots of other factors affect accuracy including the timing of the test, how the swab was taken, and the handling of the specimen.

Anonymous ID: a54926 April 19, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.8851439   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As if they would admit it…kek


Director of Wuhan lab denies coronavirus link


BEIJING – The director of a maximum-security laboratory in China’s coronavirus ground-zero city of Wuhan has rejected claims that it could be the source of the outbreak, calling it “impossible.”


Beijing has come under increasing pressure over transparency in its handling of the pandemic, with the U.S. probing whether the virus actually originated in a virology institute with a high-security biosafety laboratory.


Chinese scientists have said the virus likely jumped from an animal to humans in a market that sold wildlife.


But the existence of the facility has fueled conspiracy theories that the germ spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, specifically its P4 laboratory which is equipped to handle dangerous viruses.


In an interview with state media published Saturday, Yuan Zhiming, director of the laboratory, said that “there’s no way this virus came from us.”

Anonymous ID: a54926 April 19, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8851455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Also worth reading


It's naive to expect that the dishonesty that permeates many fields of human endeavor should be conspicuously absent in the realm of science. In fact, scientific breaches of ethics abound, covering a full spectrum of misconduct ranging from faulty research to outright fraud. In this book, a respected virologist places the scientific community under the microscope, probing the repercussions of various aspects of misconduct, including forgeries, plagiarism & overzealous grantsmanship. Professor Kohn chronicles some famous frauds & unearths several lesser-known incidents buried in the annals of science, medicine, history, archeology & psychology. He explores the motives for these deceptions & examines the conditions that allow & encourage fraud. This revised edition includes new information on the AIDS race


Did Newton fudge his figures? Who counted Mendel's peas? What lay behind Cyril Burt's disturbing statistics on race and intelligence? This work chronicles the famous frauds - from Piltdown man to the Hitler diaries - and unearths some lesser-known incidents buried in the scientific literature. Taking examples from all areas of science and medicine as well as anthropology, archaeology and psychology the author explores the deceivers' motives and discusses the conditions and pressures that make fraud possible. For this revised edition, the author has taken the opportunity to introduce new evidence on some of the case studies originally discussed. He has also added material on the controversy surrounding the attempts by different groups of scientists to establish the origins of AIDS. In a completely new chapter he asks whether fraud is endemic to science, whether errors in the publication of the results of scientific research are unavoidable and what happens to scientists who "blow the whistle" on their colleagues or corporations.