6 ft Social Distancing really for them to monitor us, technology already exists for monitoring for 5 ft radius of where we are standing … Dr. Rashid Buttar exposes fake pandemic numbers
They want to desensitize us to social distancing (keeps us safe, protects us) but if there are 3 to 4 or 10-20 people, technology can't tell whether it is 1 person or many people
Its really for more monitoring, tracking so they can classify who is a dissident..
Talks vaccine injuries, Gates, depopulation, Fauci, whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits
Dr. Rashid Buttar (ex-military, very BASED)
https://youtu.be/WGbYHJcMbz8?t=1673 [27:53]
Whole video is excellent