Anonymous ID: 87d28f April 19, 2020, 12:47 p.m. No.8853251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3397 >>3506 >>3693 >>3944


Wanna fuck with a liberal?

Dems love Sweden's example of 'ideal socialism'.

Consider this response to Libs wanting you to stay home, kek.

(duck to avoid exploding cognitive dissonance - I recommend 6 feet)


"If it's good enough for Sweden, it's good enough for me"


Sweden Says Controversial Covid-19 Strategy Is Proving Effective


Sweden’s unusual approach to fighting the coronavirus pandemic is starting to yield results, according to the country’s top epidemiologist.

Anders Tegnell, the architect behind Sweden’s relatively relaxed response to Covid-19, told local media the latest figures on infection rates and fatalities indicate the situation is starting to stabilize.

“We’re on a sort of plateau,” Tegnell told Swedish news agency TT.


Sweden has left its schools, gyms, cafes, bars and restaurants open throughout the spread of the pandemic. Instead, the government has urged citizens to act responsibly and follow social distancing guidelines.

The spread of Covid-19 across the globe is triggering different responses across national and even state borders, as authorities struggle to contain an outbreak about which much remains unknown.

It’s unclear which strategy will ultimately prove most effective, and even experts in Sweden warn it’s too early to draw conclusions. But given the huge economic damage caused by strict lockdowns, the Swedish approach has drawn considerable interest around the world.