There were Q drops on Diana. "Who's the QofE?/How long in power?/With power comes corruption/What happened to Diana?/What did she find out?/Why was she running?/Who did she entrust to help her flee?/What was the cover?/Why relevant?/Why now?/ Old/connection/news/bad actor/London mayor/background…" and so on.
Oh my, fuck me dead… what if Diana discovered Charles was being groomed to be a muslim/islamic/sympathizer king? Bear with me… search for his remarks on islam.. always endearing, always sucking up to. Many people believe he attended a tariqa. Before Trump (wearing a suit) and the new good guys in SA, who was sword dancing in full arab garment with the old regime? Prince fucking Charles. The pedo within royals, rich qataris owning half London, the massive immigration, Rotterham pedo grooming gangs, all byproducts of this unholly alliance. Diana was fleeing under the cover of dating muslims, first a heart doc and then Dodi, so the 'islamic' angle of her discovery could be kept out of suspicion. The doc and Dodi were secular nationalists, not wahabbists or players for the global califate. London mayor, fucking Khan… Background? SOLICITOR FOR 9/11 PLOTTERS! And also for Nation of Islam's Farrakhan successful overturn of a ban to enter the UK. The fuck is now the mayor, overseeing the massive surge in crime, terrorism, police indoctrination and change in RofE, and media whitewashing. He's also a Fabian socialist, just as…freaking Tony Blair.. radical islamists, leftists, royals, the whole shebang…
Thank God, new regime in SA, the sword dance with Trump nulls and void any prior arrangements of the old regime, bin Talals fucks and the Brotish royals, that have been neutralized as per Q.
As always, just a theory and my two cents. Bless, anons.