Anonymous ID: 7e5857 April 8, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.962491   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2636 >>2928


P = Papal (the kingdom represented by the beast)

Peter is not and never has been vicar of Christ. He followed Christ.That is a twisted and purely diabolical teaching of the catholic church. The human Pope, the PAPACY, takes this title and in Latin it does add up to 666. 5 variations. here's one ex for Vicar of God's Son


V i c a r i u s





500/0/1. Add up to 666


He serves the beast (Satan). The beast gives his spirit to him and he was given a mouth to speak, and he speaks blasphemies. (He thinks he's God on earth) He kills people who do not worship him GENOCIDE death sentence. Count the number of the beast, it's the number of a man,and his number is 666.


This is from Daniel and Revelations. The prophecy made Daniel so upset he turned pale and stayed alone for months. THE BIBLE IS A BOOK OF PROPHECY!!!


Coming back to life after the deadly head wound is when all the popes were beheaded. I tried to find this online, but search is lame.


They trick people by making them think they follow God, but they change all kinds of shit and mock God. Been telling people for years but have been accused of hating Catholics. There are billions of them, so eeeeh


They invoke evil spirits into themselves and are possessed, and they serve evil. sodomy ritual is really important to them.SICK Hollywood enslaves, uses Mkultra it's fueled by satanic ritual

Many unsuspecting victims, captured


Antarctica is a hot spot for evil, and there's a reason, and CERN ties into that. Look at the separate Antarctica page/thread being developed. There should be one for CERN too. Needed.


Gain wisdom and understanding.

Read The Book of Enoch!!


Best quick reference (has all papal 666 titles is and good research is:


Or search for vicar of Christ 666 name

Anonymous ID: 7e5857 April 8, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.962636   🗄️.is 🔗kun



God sent many Prophets to warn and save his sheep, for over a thousand years, but tthe sheep stayed blind and they murdered the prophets.

Then God sent his Son to save us, just like the parables say about the vineyard, and they murdered his son too!!


There are hundreds of verses describing our present situation play by play.

People don't pay attention!!


Anonymous ID: 7e5857 April 8, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.963321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9563

To understand the error, do this:


Take God out of the context of "religion"


Take his Word out of the context on men.


And then, love one another:)))

You must do this to heal, to see


>>888553 I'm truly sorry this is troubling for you. We are all shocked and hurting over so many things


We have all been deceived, as in the whole world will be deceived…


But, trust this: Christ has never been the head of the Catholic Church, or any other church for that matter. You are his temple he resides in. You control that, not a "church"


Just go straight to God like Christ intended. He will be glad to see you:))



……For me, everyday was a pure delight as I played in his presence all the time, playing everywhere on his earth, and delighting to be with mankind.

full text see Proverbs 8:22-31