Anonymous ID: 9d0a11 April 19, 2018, 1:05 a.m. No.1099459   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The "Chair" is the Chair of Peter. Matt:16 and 2nd half of Isaiah:22 It seems Christ is quoting from Isaiah 22.

Also in Matthew (I don't know exact location), Christ refers to "Chair of Moses". Christ says when High Priest speaks from Chair of Moses u must listen to him.

U put's "chair" in quotation marks when Q dropped "Chair" serves Master. Meaning when the "High" Priest..or Pope is using the Chair as the Chair was intended to be used, the High Priest speaks infallibly. That's why Christ says, Listen to him.

Since Peter was given the keys to bind and loose. That's authority. An Office. A See. Or a "Chair".

In the Gospels, Christ is referred many times to as, The Master, or Master. Rabbi.

If the Chair is used properly, then it's serves the Master. When teaching with solumn authority.

P=C. Peter=Chair. Chair in "Chair" in quotations. Only if Pope is legit Pope.. and not teaching heresy. Or a Manifest Heretics. If he is such,then he is automatically excommunicated. Lol no