Anonymous ID: c580cc April 20, 2020, 11:25 a.m. No.8863849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3891 >>3944 >>4116


we cant compete with them. We have people like bannon telling us how decent and great the chinese ppl are lol (a culture, btw, w NO concept 'love’, 'rights’, or most importantly ‘good over evil’, and which instead most highly prizes deception/manipulation/cruelty/&hegemonic power to assert these above all else)-…


imagine if Gandalf told the hobbits that the e orcs were really “some of the most decent hard working ppl” and we just had to remove Sauron & Sauroman and all would be well! lol, thanks BANNNON! [why dont you come live in a county like mine, one utterly infested with these chicom tentacles, see how u liek ur once peaceful rural valley now filled with the sounds of dogs being mutilated for hrs, every day, before being killed-likely adreno-drained, and eaten… the Chinese/han/hmong/etc represent a culture that has OFTEN been pushed to cannibalism (THE GOOD EARTH), for both idiocy (starvation, remember Mao killing ALL the sparrows? and millions starved to death bc they’d eradicated the pests predators?)- the Chinese are a Godless race of demented liar hivemind bugmen obsessed with torturing other beings, as long as they can get away with it…if they cant torture you to death, they will lie and parasitize u and urs to death… nothing about this will EVER change. Its been so for thousands and thousands of years…


When I hear Bannon spew that shit I am reminded that those who want access to that 1.5B market already sold us out, in mind body and soul. The idea that the [China problem] is something limited to a "radical cadre within the CCP" is obscenely dishonest, shortsighted and frankly, and idiotic and manipulative tactic, I get it, you want to be tactful, dont turn “Chinese against us”- u fool Bannon, they are all already 100% against us- its called subversion.


then again, I get it, these are the last gasps of western civilization, could bannon survive publicly telling the truth?; are Americans ready for the truth? no we are too liberalized, too self-neutered, culturally and spiritually to confront evil squarely – so probably not effective to speak the truth anyways.


and if thats the case, and our leaders are willing to provide cover for our #1 Enemy, we have no chance against a MASSIVE and uniform power like CHINA (which uniformly hates us, Western civilization whites, & would never be so retarded to allow us to infiltrate, subvert and own their society as they have done in ours)…


We appear to be too feeble and liberal minded a civilization now to adequately address the issue as it needs to be (this is a spiritual war between Good & Evil, and behind every 'radical CCP cadre' officer wait 10 million more even WORSE)…

its been real guys. but since even our 'speartip’ thought-leaders (dont get me wrong, love Bannon) are unwilling to speak the full truth (that the Chinese culture is inherently demonic-tho successfully obssessed with and thus quite good at hiding it), we dont stand a chance.


Am I overreacting? As a loving, kind and peaceful person, I’d even like to think so myself, but strategically, the sentiments I share here should have been proliferating through and enlightening our society for the past years, if we were ever to stand a chance. At this rate, with the continued obfuscation and defense of “Old Hundred names” (dog-torturing soulless bugmen), its difficult to see what hope we have. I pray I’m wrong. Maybe this language is needed to balance the equation.

Anonymous ID: c580cc April 20, 2020, 11:32 a.m. No.8863944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so let the Orcs into the UShire anons, and make sure u check your ignorant prejudices at the door. bc they are some of the most decent and hardworking people on earth! just watch youll see