Anonymous ID: e79238 April 20, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.8863700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I don't know how CNN keeps coming up with these new ass-wipes to haul in front of a camera rabidly snarling at 45. Never had I had so much blood to boil at the sight and sound of these holier-than-thou pompous pricks.


However. I do wish President Trump would have a locked-and-loaded response to the other question that was asked by this POS and, I think, the same pompous-ass priss from CBS, about his China transparency comments during the early stages of this Chinese Virus pandemic.


Something along the lines of, "Listen. With the information we had at the time, with the NON-EXISTENT DATA that would warrant a lock-down during that period of time and following the faulty, false and now, what appears to be, LIES, coming out of the W.H.O., it seemed appropriate to give CHINA the benefit of the doubt. Why don't you ask Nervous Nancy why she encouraged her constituents to celebrate the Chinese New Year in mid-February (or whenever the heck it was), two weeks(?) AFTER I closed travel from China? Why don't you ask Bill DeBlasio why he said NYers should continue to go out on February 10, 'there was very little threat here.' and 'transmission is not easy.'?"


I mean something SOLID and CONCRETE. A clear and straight answer coupled with his KICK-ASS TAKE-DOWNS, throwing their hypocrisy in their face.


Q+ talking around the question and not giving an answer just gives THESE NUTSACKS more fuel to get the crazies that watch them all salivating and giving them more reason to continue to bitch and bitch and bitch.


So fcking tired of their sht.


Shut them down and shut them up with the facts topped off with a facial!