Anonymous ID: ebe59f April 20, 2020, 3 p.m. No.8866112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6129 >>6246

All you anons talking about Lexington and Concord 2.0 and yada yada… I'm not saying that's a bad option, but that is an extreme option is going to get a lot of innocent people hurt (and probably one they're honestly trying to provoke from us in the first place).


What we need to do is get organized. All of us. If millions of us follow Q then millions of us need to VOICE our opinions loudly AGAINST:

  1. 5G

  2. GMOs

  3. Mandatory vaccines

  4. RFID chips

  5. All these lockdowns


We need to make it known we don't want any of this crap and we won't accept it. If we are presented with a, "you need to get this vaccine and show this certificate/get chipped or you cannot get a job", then we say ok, 350 million Americans do not want a job and will not work until you let us CHOOSE whether or not we want it. Obviously you can't convince everyone, but Q says we are the majority so the MAJORITY needs to get united as one voice of FREEDOM against these things. The New World Order requires our compliance and we need to NOT COMPLY. Period.


And then if it comes to American Revolution 2.0 because Q doesn't deliver, so be it. All the traitors deserve death anyway and we all know it. There's a reason the Punisher symbol is relevant. They need a traitor's justice.