Anonymous ID: 08513c April 20, 2020, 8:19 p.m. No.8869581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9764 >>9803

Crowley in Mexico


It is said by P. R. Köenig that Krumm-Heller (founder of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua, and Nazi supporter) knew Don Jesus de Medina.


The role of the Scottish Rite in Mexico was one of supreme importance, at least in those days. In the 1820s, two branches of high grade Freemasonry had developed. One, the Yorkinos, or the York or American Rite as we know it. The other, the Escoceses, or the Scottish Rite. These bodies feuded, or so the story goes, and they were put to sleep in 1823. Forty years later, in 1863, they were revived, and the National Mexican Rite grew out of it. The National Mexican Rite is an important chapter in the development of certain Rites, such as the OTO, for its structure is not very far removed from some of the original grade structures of the OTO. In fact, the National Mexican Rite was chartered in Lodges in Mexico City which were under the jurisdiction of German Lodges. Also, in what we have seen, there is an interesting relationship between the National Mexican Rite and the original Priesthood of the Aztecs. The Aztecs had a very similar hierarchy, grade structure, and so forth. There is a Knight of the Mexican Eagle, in the National Mexican Rite, and there were Eagle Knights in the Aztecan Priesthood. They were warrior-monks, as it were, much like the Knights Templars.


Martin P. Starr, in his introduction to Crowley’s collection of essays on Magical Rejuvenation, AMRITA, a brief account is given:


"By the time of his meeting with Reuss, Crowley had already pursued an unorthodox Masonic career. Although he must have been aware that the founders of the Golden Dawn were all regular Freemasons and that their rituals – including his initiation to the Order – took place in hired Masonic halls. Crowley was first initiated into Masonry in Mexico in 1900, where he was pushed through to the 33° on the request of one Don Jesus de Medina-Sidonia. Eventually finding to his dismay that his Mexican initiation gave him no standing in England, Crowley in June 1904 applied for membership in the Parisian "Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343," working under a charter from the Grande Loge de France; he was raised to Master Mason on December 17, 1904. Crowley’s liberal interpretation of Masonic brotherhood was not met by an equal forbearance on the part of the official bodies, as the United Grand Lodge of England, the ruling English authority, considered the Grande Loge de France to be irregular. Despite an appeal in 1913 to the Grand Secretary, Sir Edward Letchworth, Crowley never obtained recognition in England as a regular member of the Craft." – page xi.


In Mexico City, then, Crowley received this important initiation, developed his Magick in some of its most important areas, including a ritual to produce invisibility, and a superb ritual to invoke the Holy Guardian Angel. He also began his work on Enochian System of John Dee. He was cut short after scrying the 29th Aethyr. This he would pick up again, in late 1909 c.e. The die was cast. By this point Crowley was cast in his role in the drama we have been chronicling. The next three years or so, we refer the interested reader to A. C.’s autobiography, as well as to all the basic biographies…

Anonymous ID: 08513c April 20, 2020, 8:40 p.m. No.8869842   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Let's not forget that Russia has been weaning their economy off of oil dependence for 26 years or so,

Since 2014 and the beginning of sanctions they have ramped up that program considerably with actions like…

A secret supply deal with China with pricing set by contract in Yuan/Rubles, NOT petrodollars

Building up their domestic petrochemical industry

Including factories that manufacture basic plastics and polymers

In other words, the ability to store petrochemicals long term without the need for storage tanks


They are very smart people and likely had this planned out long ago.


Also, if the hints are right and we are on the verge of a new energy technology like Small Municipal-scale Reactors or Plasma Fusion, then Russia is likely roughly on a par with the USA. They made a big deal about having developed weapons

Based on NEW physical principles

Which is very interesting. In one single act, they let the USA know that they are further ahead than DeepState pundits claimed, and they also knew that US Military decision-makers would immediately ask around the USA if anyone knows what this is, and find projects that the DeepState had been trying to starve of funding. So, they triggered and American great leap forward in technology too.


The whole nuclear non-proliferation thing is now obsolete

Star Wars defense tech is now in phase 3 or 4 and stops nukes dead.