Morning POTUS
Morning Q
Morning Anons
Morning Barronanon
Morning POTUS
Morning Q
Morning Anons
Morning Barronanon
SF sausage maker Anon here.
I haven't used the pork from my plant for MY sausage for years now.
I used to buy 20lbs a month.
Now i get it from a supplier in town.
It got very soft!
Mushy and smaller pieces.
Which makes a shitty sausage.🤔
I wrote it off as the Co saving money getting cheaper pork.
If you notice the hamburger you buy at the supermarket is lighter in color now and much softer.
That could be attributed to skeletal meat (close to bone) being used.
As larger cuts are sold.
But my thinking is the MEAT has changed.
I will take pics today at our meat plant and post tomorrow.