Millionnaires and billionnaires have no property IN THEIR NAMES. It's all in various legal fiction names: holding companies, trusts, corporations they control, and of course, "non-governmental organizations" (Soros' favorite)
> stephenmoyer
These are all interesting. I wonder how she keeps them all straight? Does she use each one for a separate purpose? This one, stephenmoyer, is especially interesting.
>99% of revolutions are just exchanging the old master for a new master.
"…the party on the left, is now the party on the right… Meet the new boss; same as the old boss; Don't Get Fooled Again!
"Clown" is an "intelligence" drone, someone who is controlled by the cabal. "Clowns In America" means (obviously) the CIA, who have been doing the cabal's dirty work for decades. "clown" not capitalized could mean any mind-controlled person whose actions favor the cabal's goals. This is not definitive; I'm an anon just like you. This is merely what I've concluded over time (mostly) lurking here.
Saikat Chakrabarti benefitted from governmental preference and largesse, became a billionnaire, then proceeded to attempt to systematically destroy the country which gave him so much. Who is he? The dicoverer, financier and creator of AOC.
Those with enough money to employ teams of lawyers and to buy off politicians will always have their lawful ways to hide their wealth. Socialists' "soak the rich" schemes always hurt the middle class, who cannot employ teams of lawyers and buy off politicians to hide their wealth. EVERY scheme to "hurt the wealthy" actually destroys the middle class, which is a major goal of the cabal. NEVER fall for the "bleed the rich" schemes.
Many moons ago, on 8chan's QResearch, a posting claiming to be by Lynn de Rothschild gloated that she looked forward to all of us starving to death, but not before we watched our children die of thirst… something to that effect. The post dripped evil energy, and disturbed me for a long time. That impact (I'm generally unshaken by what I read) tells me there was a lot of power and evil behind that post. I would go back to find the exact wording, except i never want to read that post again.
>Any relation to the Chakrabarti sisters in the UK, one of which is the BBC News reader and the other a Labour politician that was made a Baroness?
Sounds like it's worth a dig, anon! Same sense of entitlement and superiority to ordinary folk.
If true, why would Catholics In Action (as you claim) murder one of their own (JFK) while he held power over the USA? Not logical, sorry. I remain unconvinced.
The Chinese sent a flotilla of huge ships cruising around South America lonf before the Europeans "discovered" South America. The ships had gardens for food production, places to raise animals, manufacturing facilities, all on board. The ships sailed around the coastline of South America and gathered plant life and animal specimens (and perhaps people?) to take back the the Chinese emperor. After examining all the flora and fauna presented to him, and reading all the journals, the emperor decided that the rest of the world had nothing to offer China (because China was superior, didn't need input from elsewhere). The emperor ordered all the ships burnt, and the harbors destroyed. Thereafter, he forbade Chinese to look beyond their own culture for information or answers to anything. True story.
Glyphosate ("Roundup among other brands) cannot be washed off. It's sprayed on grain crops about a week before harvest, to kill the plants prematurely. As the plants die, they put all their life force into the seeds (the grains) to assure the next generation can live. This effect increases crop yields (more weight to the grain harvested). The practice is called "drying off" or "dessicating" the harvest. Glyphosate is a systemic herbicide; it's absorbed by plants through the soil, through their stems and leaves. It kills the whole plant, right down to the roots. It is also stored in concentrated quantities in the grain. The same grain you eat. As the plants are dying, putting their all into the grain, they're transferring massive quantities of glyphosate into the grain.
Glyphosate is a very small molecule and can pass through the blood/brain barrier. It causes inflammation in the gut and kills off your microbiome, leaving you susceptible to fungal and harmful bacterial infections. Glyphosate binds with minerals and interferes with your ability to absorb nutrients from the foods you eat.
Avoid conventionally-grown grain-based foods at all costs.