Oh yay, definitely report back. Don't keep "us" on the edge of our seats for long. The fuk'n state. Smfh.
Exactly but leave it up to a bunch of Karen-Linda's to fucking run with the cannibalism angle. Watch em nominate to their pearl clutching heart's content. Someone break the fuk'n cat-o-log already please.
Yeah so "on fire" they post jpegs that'll disappear once the bread is archived. I'll admit the poast you tagged is interesting but nothing but the link will be there after archiving. That's why it's imperative that only png/jpg'sv are used. But the normies don't read the note at the top of every fucking bread to NOT USE JPEGS. But I digress.
>Twat account speculating that "ventilators" could be free energy devices…
I've fuk'n seent it all now. Jfc.