Anonymous ID: 3047c0 April 21, 2020, 6 a.m. No.8872434   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2439 >>2612 >>2642 >>2719 >>2772


I had baby back ribs at Applebees a couple years back. They were disgusting. Not only were the bones a weird disc shape (idk, maybe baby cow's ribs are shaped this way??) but the meat had the strangest taste to it.


I remembered as I was eating about our digs here, and stopped eating them immediately, and then proceeded to be sick to my stomach for the next day after that.

It got me thinking about how much meat is actually consumed in this country on a daily basis,

and made me wonder….could there really be that many animals for so much meat?


I have also wondered about cremating humans and pets. Do we really get their "remains" back in the little box after they are cremated?

(such gross thoughts, sorry….)

Anonymous ID: 3047c0 April 21, 2020, 6:38 a.m. No.8872658   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2853 >>3000


why the fuck are they using this bitch to read stories to children? (well we know why, but….)


I mean seriously! Who the fuck cares about a 'former' first "lady" and reading stories!!??

If my kids were little, she would be the last person I would want reading to my children….


Talk about Drag reading hour…….