Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 6:31 a.m. No.8872617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2624 >>2635 >>2639 >>2655 >>2681 >>2688 >>2940


the formal use of grammer for contracts is a useful skill.

Grammer for directions is nice, so peole do build things incorrectly.

when you need someoen to know what to do you can use it then. When you want to express ideas.

everyone uses it, no one can help using it. Only twits try to enforce grammar in a context that doesn't nclude a formal use amoung casual interactions.

if anyone does not understand they can ask for clarity.


in that sense the rules, very necessary when writing contracts or laws, or science or medicene, when enforced, those rules, like that Grammer kat, it's just here to cast us as less, to make us feel weak.And in that case to make us seem like Nazis.


It's a kind of hazing.

so why grammer and spelling in a throw away post if confusing should be cleared up by further posts (if it's needed).

I do feel that in a meme it's important to get things right. Maybe bad grammer has a purpose in a meme? but spelling in memes is important.


The grammer and spelling people here are either scripts or trolls.

the term for them is 'twit'

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.8872652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2660 >>2665 >>2670 >>2690 >>2777


read Wittenstein then, hazing idiots.


formal use is purposful and necessary for contracts, etc.

for people interacting if you don't understand something you ask for clarity.

other than that the grammer cat and banter like what you are doing is hazing.

it tags you not me, as being less than friendly, with a domination fetish.


don't read it what do I care. it shows that I am correct. Even if youd on't like hte grammer of me just hitting send without correcting the letter placement.



Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 6:40 a.m. No.8872683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2874


another point: what you are doing is so obvious.

I'm basically agreeing with your point here.

I've said the same thing you have. I'm arguing that side of it.

now the others will say 'oh why don't you use correct grammer so we could know that.' as a tactic.


there is a type that decided to disagree no matter what you say in your debate. That type is only there to draw out your energy and waste your resources.

Fresh and able to auto-type for hours, I'm ready to do battle with them if they bully you.


don't bully me, I'm on your side.

if you don't understand something ask for clarity.

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.8872757   🗄️.is 🔗kun



now in this case if you misspelled the last word of your meme to be a name . . . you might get yourself into some trouple, people not sure what you meme.

cool. That's the write additude about poor grammar in a shitpost. Poor grammar in a meme? that might just be there to ridicule someone.


my point in posting was that the grammar spelling idiots were bullying someone so I thought : lets rile them up.

not giving fucks is fine.


if you write contracts you will, I know, when you do that.

or if you are in a formal situation, doing an accademic assignment.


when someone solutes their commander they say 'Sir!' and raise the solute.

They don't use a verb, they make the action.

that's a grammar of respect.

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 6:54 a.m. No.8872786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2832


that's not my idea.

don't put that one on me.

my idea is that 'situationally' grammar correction is often just hazing.

use the appropriate lingo for the situation at hand and don't correct other people's grammar. If you are confused ask for clarity.


in a formal situatin, if you are a teacher or parent with a child you do correct.

the rules of speach change from person to person, and we all agree to agree. Grammar correction twits are 'not understanding you' they are hazing you.

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:01 a.m. No.8872856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2864 >>2878 >>2889 >>2906


you have that reversed. I am not grammar kiitty

i don't care what you post as long as it follows the rules.

I find grammar kitty offensive because it tags us as Nazis and normalizes that. It is a shill image.


but that might be your point and augmenting it.


that's like the third one where people are taking the opposite side of my point. and I know why this goes on.

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.8872896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3014


the ones who help and correct because they care and lvoe the person in their charge are awesome teachers. The ones who distract in the midst of action, and demand clarity about things that are clear, or a change in the manner and flavor of an oral prensentation . . . those are bullies who want to dominate.


It's fine to correct people when appropriate.

the grammar-twits do not respect the ones who they correct. They do the correction as a dominance and hazing activity.


It's all good. Thanks for showing that you are real.

Usually I do at least one bread in the morning with a bunch of replies, and as the day gets on I stop when I realize that most here are not real.


it's good to find someone real so early in the day!

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:12 a.m. No.8872930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3039



He's at the top of my list of Presidential right-hand-men.

Congratulations Dan!


did anyone do a decode on the photo essay series that Dan has been doing of Potus walking under the portico with the bushes and trees along side?

the pictures are tweeted at night, so maybe morning shift doesn't discuss it. But last night it was a big topic.

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:15 a.m. No.8872950   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today is the Aniversary of the founding of Rome!

today there is a light show inside the Pantheon where the sun shines through the grate and into the courtyard in front, which is usually in shadow.

the dome is 143 feet in diameter!

this building is one of the oldest building that has been in continuous use!


Viva Roma!

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.8872996   🗄️.is 🔗kun


so here we see the shill bullying that I discuss in other posts.

you add two words that add nothing more than an insult that does show you to be someone who is not supportive. So you show yourself to be a bully.


That's OK with you?

but you have good 'cognitive capacity'? as if you can judge others.

so not only a bully but a supremicist.

maybe someone has bad grammar in the AM when they type quickly because they skip words because their mind runs faster than they can type it.

but you, so few words, just tow, and they reveal you as not just a bully but a supremicist.

and you imply my cognition falters.


what do you have for me now?

Anonymous ID: bd9a09 April 21, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.8873030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3051 >>3052


I don't speak in formal British English.

my linquist capacity is as advanced as most who write often and copiously.

I give you a first draft, what is called a 'shitpost'.


I follow all the grammar rules for shitposting.


so back off hazing supremicist!

the image of the nazi suit is the reason for the grammar cat image. Make one that isn't dressed in garb that makes them look like a nazi. you even have nazi insignia on it.

the grammar cat meme is tired. It's used too much.

only shills use the same images every bread for 1000 breads.