Anonymous ID: db8b37 April 21, 2020, 5:48 a.m. No.8872390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2401 >>2456

>>8872254 (LB)

>>8872234 (LB)

>>8872266 (LB)


I stopped eating fast food 30 years ago, when the USDA stopped regulating and inspecting meats being sent to America from Mexico. NAFTA only made the problem worse, because, as Ross Perot said, "Every import is going to come into Mexico from over-seas (China) and take a left hand turn and cross into America - avoiding tariffs, regulations, and inspections."


Instead of properly removing the cow's bladder, south of the border meat processors/butchers purposely lacerate the bladder and let it drain out onto the meat. I have seen it. And when you figure in Transglutaminase (meat glue), etc., you are involuntarily becoming Anthony Bourdain eating "Parts Unknown". You have no idea what you are eating anymore unless you buy it from a local farm/range. If they can fake a fillet mignon, imagine what you are eating from a fast food joint.



Anonymous ID: db8b37 April 21, 2020, 6:05 a.m. No.8872456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2528 >>2564


Classic freak out. Ever wonder what her "ultimate form" was?


Makes you wonder what's in those "McChicken" Nuggets?


"Don't make me take my ULTIMATE FORM!!"