Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 6:16 a.m. No.8872518   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2708


Right…considering Common Core education for how long.

All those college indoctrinated 'language arts' courses being taught by whom, indoctrinated professors.

You really have shown your limited on thinking.

Expand your thinking.

Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 6:24 a.m. No.8872565   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3026




The National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act


NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the United States of America but the whole planet (thus GESARA) in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:


Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

Abolishes the income tax.

Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

Increases benefits to senior citizens.

Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.

Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

Restores financial privacy.

Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

Establishes peace throughout the world.

Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 7:07 a.m. No.8872897   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2903 >>2979


>And yet, languages are still proper nouns and are still capitalized.

I bet you really go ballistic when that one poster comes on and does his whole post with ANY capitalized letters what so ever.

He doesn't even capitalize the first letter of his sentence.

Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 7:21 a.m. No.8872994   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3021


You have no clue as to my background or abilities.

So to assume I don't know my maths is a presumption on your part.

I worked for engineering departments as contractor all over the world.

So stopp making pressumtions based on your low IQ thoughts on enforcing grammar rules on a free speech board where no mater who you write something, the majority of peeps here will get the idea of what is being conveyed to them.

Only grammar correctors try to humiliate others publicly, and is a mental problem that is a choice by the individual, kinda like being a homosexual, a mental choice to do it.

Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 7:22 a.m. No.8873005   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>The funniest one is the one who apparently actually believes that Grammar kitty possesses people. That anon said that anyone who posts Grammar kitty is possessed by some demon. It took me a while to stop laughing after that one.

Fooking KEK!

Anonymous ID: f42386 April 21, 2020, 7:27 a.m. No.8873037   🗄️.is đź”—kun



So take that teaching shit some where where it can be appreciated.

Say for instance the online English Speaking classes that was teaching Chinese to speak English…our fucking enemy being taught by Americans online to speak English.