Anonymous ID: 0dc582 April 21, 2020, 8:16 a.m. No.8873317   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I can not wait for Q to respond to why they are killing people…

so HOT mic today in the white house with a bunch of people talking state as I say …

THE death rate for coronavirus is .1 to .3 take off the mask 2nd man oh ya everyone in the room has been vaccinated for it anyway .

what do we take away from this … trumps own staff is vaccinated against the coronavirus . so congrats that's murder . holding vaccinations that are safe and work so that the elite and white house get them first gj anons are you on top of this or will you ignore this alos and yell trust the plan . good plan lets let people die . oh and my favorite part of the hot mic. so its a hoax and 3 people reply with ya ya its all a hoax its not as bad as the flu its all overblown .. lol this the plan here Q … this the plan anons? that trumps own staff on hot mic admits to everything we know and more and even admits unknowingly to fucking murder gj