Anonymous ID: 3643a2 April 21, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.8875148   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>America is winning this war!

Woohoo more winning . . .

A war.

Against an invisible enemy.

A virus.

How will we know we've won?

Will there always be an invisible enemy lurking, ready to pounce at any moment?

Will social distancing and masks be the new normal?

Will lines at grocery stores continue forever?

Unless the fraud is completely and fully exposed, the truth completely and fully told to the American people, there will be no resolution to this "state of emergency."

Perpetual war against an invisible enemy; a flu virus that reoccurs every single year.


Don't care if you call me a concernfag.

This anon is always vigilant, always skeptical.