Anonymous ID: 53a250 April 21, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.8874738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4745 >>4755 >>4767 >>4771 >>4784 >>4820 >>4839 >>4849 >>4886 >>4955

Who is this YT fag? Is he reliable?


List of indictments starts at 5 minutes in:


Loretta Lynch

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

2 counts of Obstructing Justice

3 counts of Lying to Congress


Sally Yates

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

3 counts of Obstructing Justice


John Brennan

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

3 counts of Lying to Congress

2 counts of Lying to Investigators

1 count of Conspiracy to Commit Treason

2 counts of Obstruction of Justice


James Clapper

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

2 counts of Lying to Congress


[4 CIA Operatives Indicted (no charges listed)]


James Comey


3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

6 counts of Perjury

4 counts of Obstruction of Justice

4 counts of Falsifying Government Documents


Andrew McCabe

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

2 counts of Perjury

3 counts of Lying to Congress

1 count of Falsifying Documents


Bruce Ohr

3 counts of Conspiracy

1 count of Falsifying Documents


James Baker

[Charges Unknown]


Peter Strzok

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

4 counts of Perjury

3 counts of Falsifying Documents


Lisa Paige

3 counts of Conspiracy to Overthrow the Government

3 counts of Perjury

1 counts of Obstruction of Justice


Rod Rosenstein

[5 Charges - UNSPECIFIED]


Susan Rice

3 counts of Perjury

1 count of Illegal Use of Government Systems

1 count of Obstruction of Justice

Anonymous ID: 53a250 April 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8874761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4773



I never follow youtube fags, but someone sent me a link to this video. I found the claimed "inside info" very interesting, but you know, anonymous sources and all…

Anonymous ID: 53a250 April 21, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.8874825   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, feels like things are about blow either way. POTUS yesterday: "They got caught and they're mad that they got caught." / "Scum. Human Scum." / "BOOM BOOM BOOM"