Anonymous ID: 55de55 April 21, 2020, 11:03 a.m. No.8874669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5255 >>5374

Thinking about possible objectives of this virus.


Is this a Chinese bio-weapon? If so, would China act on its own and why such a shitty death count? It's akin to launching 100 cruise missiles armed with firecrackers.


Is it an accident? Perhaps. But if this was an accident why wouldn't China broadcast the initial outbreak in an effort to garner international sympathy, attention and assistance? With their action they only invite suspicion and remove the possibility of a good cover story.


If it were an attempt to kill off the weak and old, then why the media coverage? This virus could have gone unreported and unnoticed to achieve that objective. The death count isn't high enough to cause any natural grass roots concern.


No, it would have to be a political weapon. The alarmist media is proof of that. PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! Possible objectives for:


  • Give cover for trade war, without starting a kinetic war. Is China growing weary of sending us microwaves and anti-biotics in exchange for soon to be worthless dollars?

  • Hoist Yuan to higher importance.



  • Kill competing economies once and for all by shutting them down?

  • Dethrone the Dollar.

  • Get Trump / block his agenda

  • Overthrow US

  • Save the crumbling new world order.


Just some thoughts from an average idiot.