Anonymous ID: 6d01ef April 21, 2020, 12:16 p.m. No.8875230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5290 >>5341

Reading through


"The Novel Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Directly Decimates Human Spleens and Lymph Nodes"


It's a very good paper!


Summary: The virus destroys your lymph nodes and spleen by hyperstimulating CD169+ macrophages (the cells that normally clean up the virus and foreign junk in your tissues, and present it to the body to make antibodies).


In a normal infection, the lymphocytes (part of white blood cells) screen for foreign material antigens and antibodies (prior immunity) representing known infections (the macrophages eat up and present these materials to the system and they ramp up lymphocytes in your spleen and lymph nodes based on this in a normal infection).


However, in COVID-19 infections these lymphocyte cells are going DOWN, not UP like they should….. The virus stimulates the macrophages to hypersecrete IL-6 (chronic inflammation cytokine) that directly KILLS LYMPHOCYTES.




The macrophage is "attacked" by activating the ACE2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2) with a protein embedded in the nucleocapsid of the virus.


Guess what…. CD169+ lymphocytes are real important in CANCER (especially breast cancer) cellular surveillance…. and the ACE2 is important in FERTILITY.


This is a BIOWEAPON that directly destroys your immune system! It sounds like WEAPONIZED AIDS to me…


—/conpiracy hat on

If anyone has some insight on what the new TESTING is actually targeting, I would appreciate some direction.


For instance, the spike protein sounds like it would be very specific for COVID-19 virus (or any other coronaviruses carrying it)… (I'm admittedly VERY fuzzy about this and have only cursory understanding).


On the other hand, Nucelocapsid Protein genetic testing (SPECIFICALLY THE ACE2 NP) may be a very different situation if some conspiratorial assumptions are true.


If this is the primary bioweapon point where you attack an immune system, I am highly suspicious that less virulent forms of this attack are already out there in the wild causing various pathologies from immune deficiencies, to cancers, to infertility. (Hi vaccine industry!)


Which means, new tests for the ACE2 NP would likely be picking up any OTHER attack vector formulation already out there in the wild….basically a very high false positive rate (not really COVID-19) (which you can next point to as a "resurgence" of the virus and "unflattening of the curve").


Cue lockdown.

—conspiracy hat off/

Anonymous ID: 6d01ef April 21, 2020, 12:22 p.m. No.8875290   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Theres more to the virology here of cell infection and interaction that I don't know yet….so the spike protein vs. nucleocapsid protein stuff is quite suspect.