Anonymous ID: 8a91a2 April 21, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8874760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4769 >>4792 >>4834

What if Covid-19 is a biological weapon?


What if the pandemic is real?


What if there's no known means to stop it?


What will May 1 look like?


What will the summer be like in the USA, and in the world?


This is much more than a simple flu. This is much more than a way to keep people in their homes. This is much more than a hit on the economy. There is something to this virus.

Anonymous ID: 8a91a2 April 21, 2020, 12:25 p.m. No.8875310   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree. I've railed against the "plandemic" myself. I believe that if it's a killer virus, a standard flu type virus, or no virus at all, there are all kinds of groups and organizations taking advantage of it - from governments to businesses to individuals to groups, whatever.

However, I no longer believe it's ONLY a plandemic, a fake, a farce. John W. McDaniel is the face of an acquaintance who died from it. I have relatives in Europe, they've told me that yes people are sick but no it's not a huge number, but until now I never knew a single person who had it. So now, for the first time, I do. He's dead. RIP. He was a good man. And his death came QUICKLY. It's very strange. I'm just wondering what's going on - they're keeping us all under house arrest, they're about to close grocery stores, they're closing meat packing plants, they're NOT LETTING US PLANT SEEDS, they're not stopping abortions, they're stopping us from standing together in public OR IN PRIVATE, and … and I also think they're not telling us the whole truth about this virus.