Anonymous ID: 9ed47f April 21, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.8875255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5262 >>5317



I'll answer your question, "Is this a Chinese bioweapon?"


The answer is, "Partially yes."


I'll first define the "yes." Consider the following facts:

  1. The virus occurred in Wuhan. Why is this important? Deniability and confusion. Coronavirus is derived from horseshoe bats, and that species is found over quite a large range in China (but not Wuhan). Of course, we know Wuhan is home to wet markets as well as their level 4 biolab constructed with the help of a US spy, France, etc. So, if we step on China's toes, we step on our own and allies, too (and France is now denying it). Additionally, we can be - and were - blamed for the spread due to the Chinese Mil games in Wuhan. There are multiple angles of plausible deniability subterfuge.

  2. The bioweapon virus is intentionally not particularly fatal by itself. This virus does, however, significantly damage respiratory passages as well as engage the immune system. Most fatalities are caused by other infections and comorbidities such as COPD, heart disease, and diabetes (amazing, isn't it?) Much of the US, due to our diets, are near-diabetic and thus at least notionally more susceptible to harm. Also, the lack of fatality is an additional plausible deniability factor.

  3. Look at the functionality of the virus - it has a long latency period during which time the person has no notice of infection but is contagious. It also generally has a long-life period on most surfaces and is (extremely unlikely for this virus without genetic manipulation) an airborne contagion.

  4. The timing of the delivery of the bioweapon was superb. It was timed to be delivered to the US at the height of the holiday travel season. It was also delivered when the US was highly distracted from its delivery by media focus on Trump's impeachment. It arrived and began spreading at the height of the flu and pneumonia season for most areas, as well as the emergence of an early Spring in part of the country with onset of pollen allergies causing respiratory distress.

  5. The virus was released initially in China - however, the treatment for this virus has been known for quite some time. Release in China is not a big deal to them as there are many hundreds of millions of mouths and this virus is not particularly fatal, so this adds to the deniability factor.


>Meme addresses items #2 and #5 above.


Now, to answer the "Partially" issue. Presumably this would be the action of a state actor such as China. That, however, is a uniquely dangerous assumption considering the US' longstanding MAD policy regarding all WMD's (bugs=gas=nukes). It is not only conceivable, but the broad outlines are now known, that some faction(s) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are influentually involved with WHO, linked to Bill Gates and other non-state actors who have long been involved in virology/pandemic research, as has our own NIH (Fauci) and CDC (also Fauci).


Either way, the cabal wins in their view. While the elites hide (out of the way) in NZ bunkers, the US and China duke it out horribly. Or, the US pooh-pooh's the possibility and suffers a major financial weakening, with the strong potential for a regime of forced vaccination and further restrictions being forced on Americans.


Enter POTUS, Q and the Anons…


to be continued