Anonymous ID: c41d42 April 21, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.8874947   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I'm not enjoying this movie anymore.

Quarantine closes restaurants. Big chains got special treatment in PPP. Small chains and mom and pops go broke. Banks foreclose, eliminate competition.

Quarantine crashes economy. Big banks (FED) print trillions, devalue taxpayers savings and real estate. Big banks foreclose distressed properties with liddle teeny dollars and get hard assets for pennies on the dollar.

Closed restaurants and eateries cause catastrophic losses in farming, ranching, processing, transportation, distribution. Big banks foreclose on Farms, Ranches, Processors, Trucking, Food Service companies. Get death grip on the food chain with liddle teeny tiny dollars, get hard assets cheap.

Quarantine destroys domestic petroleum production. Banks foreclose on small and medium operators, get total control of energy sector with liddle tiny dollars. Get hard assets and a death grip on the energy sector.


It's almost as if the Big Banks set this up during Obama's administration. Taxpayers dollars to Wuhan, Quarantine authority quietly passed in 2014, just too coincidental.