Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:17 p.m. No.8876367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6674 >>6688 >>7004 >>7025

Three companies shortlisted to receive funding to develop Coronavirus vaccines from Department of Biotech


The Department of Biotechnology has so far short-listed three companies for funding the development of a vaccine for COVID-19, besides 13 other proposals it received for diagnostics, therapeutics and other interventions to fight coronavirus, a statement said.


The three companies are Cadila Healthcare Ltd, Bharat Biotech International Ltd and Serum Institute of India Private Limited.

The DBT said a multifaceted approach is being adopted to ensure that vaccine companies utilising different platforms and at different stages of development are fast-tracked through a research consortium under funding from the National Biopharma Mission, an initiative launched in 2017 to support the development of vaccines and drugs.


The Department of Biotechnology and the Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council had invited applications on the COVID-19 Research Consortium. The first phase of the call ended on 30 March and around 500 applications were received from academia and industry, the DBT said in a statement.

The multi-tiered review process is ongoing and till date, 16 proposals of devices, diagnostics, vaccine candidates, therapeutics and other interventions have been recommended for receiving funding support, it said.


Both repurposing of existing vaccine companies for immediate protection of high-risk groups and novel vaccine candidate development were considered while selecting proposals under this call.


"Funding support has been recommended to Cadila Healthcare Ltd for advancing the development of a DNA Vaccine candidate against novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and to Bharat Biotech International Ltd for COVID-19 vaccine candidate utilising the inactivated rabies vector platform.


"For the Phase III human clinical trials study of recombinant BCG vaccine planned in high-risk population, Serum Institute of India Private Limited (SIIPL) will be supported," the statement said.

It added that development of a novel vaccine evaluation platform at National Institute of Immunology, an institute under the Department of Biotechnology, to support SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development has also been approved for financial support.


The DBT has been designated the central coordination agency for the development of a vaccine for COVID-19.


DBT Secretary Renu Swarup told PTI that other proposals were also being examined.

Meanwhile, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has tied up with Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd to evaluate Mycobacterium W (Mw) for faster recovery of hospitalised COVID-19 infected patients and to minimise the spread of disease through them.

CSIR Director General Shekhar Mande told PTI that Mw can reduce the mortality in patients suffering from Gram-negative sepsis by 50 per cent. Permission has been granted by the Drug Controller of India to conduct tests on critically ill COVD-19 patients at three major hospitals in the country, he said.


Mande said Mw helps in boosting TH1 and TH2 cells which in turn builds immunity in fighting viruses and in this specific case COVID-19.

Both DBT and CSIR are departments under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

With regards to DBT, to boost indigenous

production and to scale-up the production of molecular and rapid diagnostic tests, Mylab Discovery Solutions Pvt Ltd, Huwel Lifesciences, Ubio Biotechnology Systems Pvt Ltd, Dhiti Life Sciences Pvt Ltd, MagGenome Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bigtec Pvt Ltd and Yaathum Biotech Pvt Ltd will also receive funding, the statement added.


A common shared facility to manufacture diagnostic kits and ventilators will be established at Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone (AMTZ) under National Biopharma Mission of DBT to provide scaled-up production capacity to different manufacturers, it added. Development and deployment of contactless, affordable thermopile-based ultrasonic sensors for screening of COVID-19 suspects and indigenous production of novel PPE for healthcare professionals will also be supported under the initiative.

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.8876388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Lab Claiming to Have COVID-19 Vaccine Is an IDF Biological Warfare Research Facility


Last month it was reported that scientists at the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona had developed a vaccine for COVID-19, though it still required clinical trials.


Whatever the merits of this claim are, there are striking ethical, historic and public health reasons to reject any “cure” coming from the IIBR. The laboratory is a highly secretive biological warfare unit of the Israeli military that is civilian in name only.


The IIBR is responsible for developing numerous poisons, microbial weapons, chemical weapons, and other banned materials. Multiple scientists at the laboratory have suddenly died in the middle of their research over the years, yet the nature of their deaths remains a mystery thanks to the Israeli government’s ban on publishing stories related to military activities.




The Ness Ziona based lab was founded during the 1948 war as HEMED BAIT, on the orders of David Ben-Gurion. The goal of the unit was to develop weapons that could kill large groups of people, and was allegedly inspired by the Zionist terrorist organization Nakam, who with the blessing of many influential Jewish leaders attempted to murder millions of Germans by poisoning their water supply before being thwarted by British authorities in 1945.


The concept of poisoning a population’s drinking water guided the idea behind one of the first weapons developed by the early incarnations of the lab. This ghoulish innovation was used against native Arabs in the town of Acre, when the Israeli military ethnically cleansed it in May 1948.


According to military historian Uri Milstein, Israeli forces dropped containers of bacterium into their wells and engineered a man-made typhus outbreak which drove the locals out.


After the successful deployment of germ warfare in Acre, Egyptian soldiers caught Israeli commandos in Gaza attempting to do it again a few weeks later (Cohen, pg 31). When the Egyptians obtained their confession and announced what they had done, the Jewish global press accused them of anti-Semitic blood libel due to the incident’s similarity to Medieval European claims Jews to this day hold are nothing more than baseless and hateful calumnies.


In 1952, professor Avraham Marcus Klingberg, who had served in HEMED BAIT, transformed the military program’s infrastructure into the IIBR (Cohen, pg 35).


In 1983, Klingberg was arrested, tried and convicted in secret for being a Soviet spy. Klingberg was blackmailed by the KGB into divulging information about his questionable projects as head of the IIBR. The entire episode remains shrouded in mystery, but it is commonly believed to be the most damaging espionage case the state of Israel has ever suffered.

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:22 p.m. No.8876423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

AIPAC called a ‘Hate Group,’ Should Register as a Foreign Agent


The powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) tried to convince Americans that a humanitarian Congress member, Betty McCollum of Minnesota, is ‘worse than ISIS’ because of her bill to protect Palestinian children. AIPAC officials have been investigated for espionage on behalf of Israel. It has long advocated for the Israeli government… Claims to represent all Jewish Americans but today represents only a tiny minority…


REP. BETTY MCCOLLUM (D-MN) called the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) a “hate group” after it placed ads on Facebook which implied that McCollum and other members of Congress who had defended the rights of Palestinians were worse than the terrorist group ISIS.


McCollum declared: “as a member of Congress and the vice-chair of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, I believe defending human rights and freedom are foundational to international security and our democracy. The struggle to promote human dignity inevitably results in confronting entrenched forces determined to dehumanize, debase and demonize individuals or even entire populations to maintain dominance and an unjust status quo. Hate is used as a weapon to incite and silence dissent. Unfortunately, this is my experience with AIPAC.”


In explaining why he was not attending this year’s AIPAC conference, Sen. Bernie Sanders declared: “The Israeli people have the right to live in peace and security. So do the Palestinian people. I am concerned about the platform AIPAC provides for leaders who express bigotry and oppose basic Palestinian rights.”


In a column headlined, “AIPAC Makes Sanders’ Point for Him,” Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank writes: “AIPAC and Netanyahu seemed intent on proving Sanders’ point. As the conference opened…Netanyahu, speaking to the group via satellite…derided the Palestinians as ‘the pampered children of the international community.’ The AIPAC audience applauded….Netanyahu told AIPAC he was moving forward with plans to annex Palestinian territory—-a move that would make the long sought two-state solution all but impossible.”


In what many considered a direct effort to influence the American presidential election, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon declared: “We don’t want Sanders at AIPAC. We don’t want him in Israel. Anyone who calls our prime minister a racist is either a liar, an ignorant fool, or both.”


In Milbank’s view, “AIPAC…finds itself not only at odds with Democrats, but also with most American Jews, instead of its tradition of representing strong, broad support for Israel, AIPAC is becoming about as bipartisan as the National Rifle Association. Even Netanyahu reportedly regards AIPAC as just another right-wing American interest group. ‘We don’t need AIPAC anymore,’ Netanyahu reportedly told one of his advisers. ‘We have enough support in the United States from the evangelicals. I’d happily give up on AIPAC if we didn’t need to counteract J Street,’ a liberal pro-Israel group.

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:26 p.m. No.8876473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6543

New Documentary Reveals Bill Clinton Kept CIA From Killing Bin Laden


When the U.S. military had a chance to take out Osama bin Laden back in the 1990s — after tracking his location with the help of Afghan tribal informants — they couldn’t do so because of an order signed by then-President Bill Clinton, a new documentary reveals.


The order in effect at the time allowed the Central Intelligence Agency to engage in “lethal activity” against the Al Qaeda leader, who would leader orchestrate the 9-11 attacks on the U.S., but the purpose of the strike could not be to kill him.


“We were being asked to remove this threat to the United States essentially with one hand tied behind our backs,” said now-former CIA station chief Bob Grenier in Showtime’s “The Longest War,” in a clip posted by The Daily Beast. At the time, Grenier was based in Islamabad, Pakistan. The terrorist would be killed May 2, 2011, in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, not far from Islamabad.


“Our tribal contacts came to us and said, ‘Look, he’s in this location now. When he leaves, he’s going to have to go through this particular crossroads.’ And so what they proposed was to bury a huge cache of explosives underneath those crossroads so that when his convoy came through they could simply blow it up. And we said absolutely not. We were risking jail if we didn’t tell them that,” he said.


At the time, Clinton, the State Department, and other officials did not view bin Laden as a serious threat, the documentary’s director Greg Barker told The Beast. In fact, top Clinton officials “ignored and even ridiculed” anyone who said bin Laden was a danger.


Marty Martin, a CIA counterterrorism officer at the time, said in the documentary that “the threat was real.”

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:28 p.m. No.8876492   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Does Google Have Hillary Clinton’s BleachBit Emails? Judicial Watch Subpoenas Google For Hillary’s State Department Emails!


Does Google have Hillary Clinton’s BleachBit emails?


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch subpoenaed Google for Hillary Clinton’s ‘missing’ State Department emails.


Recall, it was Judicial Watch that blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she was the head of the Department of State.


Paul Combetta, Hillary Clinton’s IT specialist who took care of the Platte River Networks server, used a Google account to transfer all of her emails from a laptop to the server.


Combetta then used BleachBit to erase tens of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails.


Judicial Watch is now looking to get their hands on Hillary’s emails through Google.



If you use Gmail, you know that Google holds your messages seemingly forever. Could it be doing the same with Hillary Clinton’s elusive emails? We’ll find out. We have served a subpoena, authorized by a DC federal court, on Google to produce all Clinton emails from a Google account believed to contain former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails.


Platte River Networks’ IT specialist Paul Combetta reportedly used the Google account to transfer Clinton’s emails from a laptop to a Platte River server, then used BleachBit to remove any traces of the emails from the laptop.


Our subpoena seeks all Clinton emails from her time at State, January 21, 2009, to February 1, 2013. Google is requested to produce the emails by May 13.

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:38 p.m. No.8876630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6658 >>6686

Chipotle Mexican Grill Agrees to Pay $25 Million Fine and Enter a Deferred Prosecution Agreement to Resolve Charges Related to Foodborne Illness Outbreaks

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.8876835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7004 >>7025

Coronavirus: PM Scott Morrison talks with Bill Gates over World Health Organisation's future amid pandemic


Scott Morrison has discussed the future of the World Health Organisation with one of its biggest donors.'


The prime minister spoke with Bill Gates on Tuesday, just days after the Microsoft founder and philanthropist used a global broadcast organised by Lady Gaga to appeal for support for the embattled global health body.

Mr Morrison and Mr Gates are also understood to have discussed vaccines and the Indo-Pacific's health challenges.


The Gates Foundation is one of the WHO's biggest voluntary donors, providing $836 million over the past two years.


Mr Gates has been publicly critical of a decision by US President Donald Trump to suspend his country's funding for the WHO.

The US is the largest donor to the WHO, providing more than $631 million in 2019 - about 15 per cent of its budget.


"Halting funding for the World Health Organisation during a world health crisis is as dangerous as it sounds," Mr Gates tweeted recently.


"Their work is slowing the spread of COVID-19 and if that work is stopped no other organisation can replace them."


Mr Trump has argued the WHO failed to adequately "obtain, vet and share information" in a timely and transparent way, leaving a global trail of death and destruction.


Mr Morrison recently expressed some sympathy for Mr Trump's criticisms, pointing to the way Australia pre-emptively declared a pandemic before the WHO.


Australia has worked closely with the WHO for more than seven decades.

Anonymous ID: 45cb5b April 21, 2020, 2:57 p.m. No.8876910   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6944 >>6972

AG Barr Says He May Go After Governors Who Persist on Authoritarian Coronavirus Lockdown Orders


Always talking never walking