Anonymous ID: 5821b8 April 21, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.8876460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6488 >>6498 >>6615 >>6640 >>6746 >>6988

Ok anons..sound off. Fuck this city and I can’t wait to leave. This is ilhan Omar’s district.


To allow social distancing during Ramadan, call to prayer to be broadcast in Cedar-Riverside neighborhood


“ To ensure social distancing can be practiced during the month of Ramadan, the city of Minneapolis has issued a noise permit that will allow the Muslim call to prayer to be broadcast over a loudspeaker in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood of Minneapolis.


Ramadan, a holy month celebrated by those who practice Islam, is set to begin Thursday.


The call to prayer will be broadcast from Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque from the first day of Ramadan through its duration. Ramadan ends on May 23.


The call to prayer will be played at volumes consistent with the city's regulations.


"This historic effort to promote religious inclusion – offering the call to prayer in Cedar-Riverside Community – will be welcomed by the Muslim community and all those who value diversity and mutual understanding,'' CAIR-Minnesota Executive Director Jaylani Hussein said. "The call to prayer will be especially meaningful to the many senior citizens in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood who have been isolated due to the pandemic. It will help them feel more connected to their community and mosque in this sacred month."