'sup doc? bred looks good.
hmmm….board not soc good. no images possible just now?
reporter asks q on dumb study discussed lb:
[ >>8876404 Link to VA HCQ study, Full Report]
small study
FDA wants randomized cliniical trials
preliminary data helpful tho
MD's should incorporate that data
we have >30 clinical trials now
prophylactic value - want to determine
POTUS question-ned about it:
"we'll be looking at it."
NIH - recommending against use of HCL and zpak.
>>8877284 Whitmer hires a progressive campaign organization to collect private medical data on corona patients
not in qresear.ch
they are 100% bad news.
now there's a picture just BEGGIN' for a meme.
ty memist
thx anon, heard the quote but not the topic
it's SO insulting when they ask to speak directly to Birx instead of POTUS.
oh–it's THAT bitch.
>Bret Baier: everyone GTFO, I'm doing muh show right here.
"muh WH reporters don't want to be part of Fox news.''