It’s cheese.
Cheese.. Kraft… Patriot’s Owner… Owning Patriots…. Kraft in Control… Macaroni… Macron…. France… Ghizzy Maxwell… Catch Me If You Can…. Hanx & DiCaprio… Both faggots… irrelevent…. Maxwell is focus… Epstein… didn’t kill himself… or did he… stop… he didn’t…. Epstein, Ghizzy Mossad… Mossad Jizz…. Mossad Jews… Mossad Fake Jews… Mossad Gog… Gog of Zog… Zog is Yahweh… Yahweh is Enlil…. Enlil is Satan… Satan is Saturn… Saturn Moon Matrix… Moon Matrix…. Matrix tells the truth… the story of the One… Keanu…. Ki-Anu… Earth-God… Sound a little cheesey?… wonder why….
Moon is cheese.