Lamp of the Invisible Light
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
First Degree-Hierophant of Earth
In this Degree the Candidate is Initiated into the Lodge. It corresponds with Earth and entitles one to access the Lodge Temple at Will. Also, emphasis is added to Feasts and all Functions that relate to the material plane. The Brother or Sister is also taught the Magick of Money and Finance.
Second Degree-Hierophant of the Moon
In this Degree the Mysteries of the Rosy Cross are begun to be taught. It revolves also around Dream Control and Astral Projection and Magnetism. Initiates of this Degree begin to learn more about Sex Magick( as this degree surpasses the O.T.O. Ninth Degree).
Third Degree-Hierophant of Tahuti
This Degree includes and surpasses the Mysteries of the Third Degree of Freemasonry. It corresponds to the God Tahuti and Instructs the Candidate on Creativity and Genius. Also the Mysteries of the Caduceus and L.P.D. are taught along with their Sex Magickal Implications. All systems of Divination are included here. Members of this Degree traditionally constitute the Officers of the Lodge. Each Third Degree Hierophant of Tahuti that is Master of his or her Lodges Chair interacts with the Inner Palace through the Overseer of the Temple of Ahathor Fourth Degree.
Inner Palace
Fourth Degree-Overseer of the Temple of Ahathor
This Degree and every one above it can only be obtained by recommendation of the Master Overseer. In this way the Degrees from Fourth Degree and up are Honourary Degree's.
The Overseer of the Temple of Ahathor begins to be Initiated into the Deeper Mysteries of Sex Magick. Included in this Degree are the Formuale of the Holy Royal Arch of Solomon and the Sacred Word. Thus, this Degree Transmits and Trancends the Magickal Essence of the Fourth through Thirteenth Degree's of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Members of this Degree either start a new Inner Palace Lodge or join an already existing one. Thus the Three Grades of Thelema are expressed in L.I.L. as the Outer Courtyard, Inner Palace, and Secret Palace. Every Initiate of this Degree is entitled to Charter Outer Courtyard Lodges under the Authority of the Inner Palace.
Fifth Degree-Spearman/woman of the War Boat of the Sun
This Degree is one in which the True Will of the Aspirant is Central. The Work of this Degree revolves around each Initiates H.G.A.( Holy Guardian Angel). By Understanding their True Will, they can contribute to the good of the Order in more specific ways. This Degree Contains the full Formulae of the Rose and Cross and is completely Superior to the O.T.O. Ninth Degree. It Imparts and Trancends the Magickal Essence of the Fourteenth through Eighteenth Degree's of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Also, all classes of Angelic Work fall into this degree. After a Member of the Fourth Degree Initiates several lodges they pass to the Authority of the Fifth Degree Spearman/woman of the War-Boat of the Sun. The Fourth Degree Overseer then begins to Initiate new Outer Courtyard Lodges of L.I.L.
Sixth Degree-War Lord ( High Priest of Ra-Hoor -Khuit )(Empress Overseer/War Lady )
Initiates of this Degree constitute the Officers of the Inner Palace Lodge. They are trained in the Methods and Techniques of War Magick and Initiated into the Mysteries of the Temple and the Priory of Sion. As Members of this Degree have Command of the Angelic Legions they begin to Work with and Control the Goetic and Demonic Forces. The Sixth Degree War-Lord is the Link between the Inner and Secret Palace. As such, only he Interacts with the Hierophant Minor of the Seventh Degree whose Authority the Inner Palace Lodge is under. This Degree Transmits and Trancends the Magickal Essence of the Nineteenth through Thirty-second Degree's of Freemasonry.
Secret Palace
Seventh Degree-Hierophant Minor ( The Mysteries of Amen )