Its in the Bible. We know. He also gets wrecked. He also knows. Evidently, you're the only one who doesn't know.
I think so. Every man faces death. I have no fear of it. I know who I serve.
You're falling for the same lie told since the beginning of time. Lucifer fell from heaven because he believed he could be like the Almighty. Lucifer then deceived Eve by telling her she could become like God, with enough knowledge. She then told Adam the lie and he was not fooled, but chose to sin. The same lie spawned astrology, and every religion after, passed down from one society to the next. The same story told in different ways as Lucifer tried to hide the truth and deceive man. Until God came into the world as a Man. He took the punishment that sinful man deserved for man's rejection of God, and instead offered reconciliation with the Almighty. Many fools still fall for the same lie Lucifer continues to peddle, but there are many who have been set free. I pray God opens your eyes and you get to see the truth for what it is. It is beautiful.
I don't follow the Pope. The Pope is just another fool of Lucifer's. You are upset because for the first time in your life you heard the truth. I have studied the Mystery religion. I know what you believe. I know the lie. Lucifer has tried to mimic the truth since the Garden. Genesis 3:14-15 clearly states
"And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
That Lucifer's (satan, who took the form of the serpent, originally because of it's beauty) seed (those who follow him) and the woman's seed (not the man's seed, but the woman's- only one time in history has that ever occurred-the virgin birth) would be at war. Lucifer would bruise his His heel (the cross) and He would crush satan's head (bind him in chains and cast him into the Abyss forever). Now Lucifer understood God's words and His meanings, so he began to deceive man and tried to create religions that would mimic the truth that God had foretold back in the garden. Foolish men fell for his lie. He is not the sun, he is a created being, created by the Almighty. The Almighty God, who is, and was, and always will be. There is none like Him. So you can continue in your foolish journey, full of pride, thinking that you can be like the Most High. You will fall like the rest. Save your mystery religion lies. I have heard them all. I offer you truth. A wise man would consider it.
Amen fren. The only hope that man has. God bless you and keep you. We serve a risen Lord.