Anonymous ID: 3f3779 April 21, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.8880438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0727

Reposting from (LB), then g'nite anons.


>>8879939 (lb)



Anons hit a lot of pitfalls along the way. Shills and the DS perpetrators of crimes against humanity (and children) know they use the "Jewish" identity as a scapegoat, and a political shield. The enemy does this to make anons stumble in their journey. They continue to pounce on this because it was wildly successful for them since the atrocities committed in Germany. Many have fallen for the lies, and many have found their way through those lies in their search for truth.


Patriots have no skin color was pushed heavily for a reason. It was a challenge to the ideology that even though we may be different in many ways, we can be united behind the principles that govern truth and good over division and evil. Anyone trying to convince you to hate a group on religious or ethnic identity is trying to divide and control your thoughts. Break free from that and see the truth that we all are capable of producing fruits of infinite good. We are not destined to the bottomless pits of evil.


Anons battle in the realms of ideas. We battle against ideas that cause us to divide; ideas that are antithetical to this movement. Ideas that cause us to unite against true evil are the core of this movement. As we awake, learn the way of the tricksters without falling for them.


Look at these pictures. You think they care about race? No. They want you divided. They want you to fight each other. They want you defeated, tired, exhausted. They want you to give up. They want you to throw in the towel. They want you to give in to hate and ignorance. Hatred is a system of control.


The hatred exhibited by many here (shills), and the occasional anon that's embattled in frustration; it serves no purpose to the cause; only to divide and demoralize. The cause is greater than any one of us. The purpose we strive is for truth, and for those that cannot defend or help themselves. Our leadership has granted us the opportunity to fight where we were once helpless to the cause of saving the most precious of our world.


Remove the predilections of "-ism" towards your fellow woman and man. Seek truth. Seek unity. Seek to be a patriot for the cause we're fighting for. The only thing stopping us from conquering this evil is OURSELVES. Take this rare, and possibly last opportunity to join with your leadership and fellow anons to defeat these liars, thieves, and destroyers from this earthly realm. Now is the time. Right now! Join and FIGHT!


This world no longer belongs to them. It belongs to us, THE PEOPLE.