Complicity of Hospitals and Medical Staff
Over the years, there have been a number of events that may have been false-flags. These events may have had a kernel of truth, but the narrative pumped through the mainstream media was heavily embellished. Such events include, but are not limited to, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, Las Vegas shooting, Orlando nightclub shooting, Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, etc. One common denominator for all of these events are the number of questionable victims. Independent researchers have documented that many of these victim cases have either been embellished or falsified. If true, this can only occur with the complicity of the medical establishment at the local level.
We are starting to see a similar pattern of events unfold with Covid-19, but on a global scale. At minimum, the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 appear to be knowingly falsified, while simultaneously the number of Covid-19 antibody-positive cases within the general population are being suppressed. There appears to be a virus (the kernel-of-truth), but no pandemic (the embellishment).
Overall, there needs to be more scrutiny of our medical community at the hospital level, not just big pharma. There was a glimmer of hope when John Roberts “hot mic” moment was circulated, which then led to his question directed toward Deborah Bix, who gave a nonsense answer. Regrettably, no reporter – including Roberts – followed up with Bix.
When discussing conspiracy theories, one often encounters the following pushback, “that lie is too big to hide; no one could be fooled.” Every facemask demonstrates how naïve that pushback is!