Reposting as fell off end of lb.
The PDF is about a woman, Gertrudis Taveras, who was mudered in a Brooklyn, NY, hospital when she went there after being diagnosed with coronavirus. The audio is of her cousin explaining what had happened. Gertrudis is heard leaving a message in the last 28 secs of the Audio. It is all in Spanish so I had a friend transcribe the audio, which I received this morning, and is included in the pdf.
I tried calling the FBI about this (DC HQ) this morning and they told me that they don't deal with murders and to call the police locally to where this happened.
So I called the Brooklyn 63rd Precinct and I asked to be put through to the Detective's dept. They put me back through to the patrol section. When I spoke to the guy and told him about this he said 'they would look into it.' He never asked for the name of the person who was murdered, never asked which hospital it was, never even asked for my details.
So if no-one gives a fuck I thought I would post this here for others to try and get it into the hands of the LEOs who can do something about this.
This scenario was also remotely viewed as something that was taking place, or was going to take place in the future, about two weeks ago by people I know. When I passed this info on to them they thanked me for validating their info as they didn't have physical world evidence that this was actually happening.
If there are LEO reading this please open an investiogation on this woman.
And to Q/Q+/Q Team the DS has assassins masquerading as nurses going around and administering lethal injections to people to pump up numbers of deaths.