Notice how Q exhorts us all to dig? I've always found it interesting how Rudolf Steiner's movement places such an emphasis on reading, learning, education, improving your own abilities. Because that really sets it apart from most spiritual movements that encourage a kind of passive worship.
Steiner started with Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy movement, which the Cabal though was so important to pervert that they groomed Alice Bailey to infiltrate and destroy it. And A.A. Bailey was not the first to attempt to pervert Blavatsky's work.
Steiner finally broke away to found his own Anthroposophical Society in 1912. Steiner's vocal rejection of Leadbeater and Besant’s claim that Jiddu Krishnamurti was the vehicle of a new Maitreya, or world teacher, led to a formal split in 1912, when Steiner and the majority of members of the German section of the Theosophical Society broke off to form a new group, the Anthroposophical Society.
This group turned out to be anti-Nazi and thus it was attacked constantly by the early Nazi party. Steiner's death also is suspicious as if he was being poisoned by some as-yet unknown slow acting poison. Stealth assasination.