Thanks, Anon. We remember why the Bunker was activated, what it was in response to. The attack that disabled Qresearch and ultimately disabled the whole site.
Thanks, Anon. We remember why the Bunker was activated, what it was in response to. The attack that disabled Qresearch and ultimately disabled the whole site.
Text confirmed to match audio.
Arrest warrants updated from likely "Exist" - Source says have seen "eyes on"
The Hotseat
Host: James R
Guest: Director Mike
James R
1.71K subscribers
Multistreaming with
•Streamed live on Apr 20, 2020
Nice work, fren. You inspired anon to create something new. This was from yesterday's, "Trying to make a meme in PhotoShop in less than an hour." (Anon is a slow learner)